Hi every one, kindly: how I can add gif pictures in Buildbox? How I can add video to Buildbox? Is there way to put two fires button in the screen, so the user can use suitable one? Thanks for reading
Hi, In BB you can only use .png format images. For an animation you can simple drag a combination of .png format images and drop them to the necessary field. In order to make an animation in action drag a .png format image and drop it to action then click to it (at the left side). Then at the right side you will see action animation, drop your consecutive png format images to this field. I think i answered to you second question too.
That's great, Thank you very much Nihat Muradzade and heathclose for your help, and Kindly what about the third question: Is there way to put two fires button in the screen, so the user can use suitable one? many thank
Hi, Sorry, now i am working on platform game and i haven't got shooting animation in my game thats why i don't a lot of information about your question. But i think you can only put one fire button. I don't know exactly maybe there is a way where user could customise buttons. I think @heathclose can help you more than me about this issue.
just duplicate your setup for your fire button and drag it to the other side, left or right... both will work, here is an example in a space shooter I learned to use buildbox on...
It is OK Nihat Muradzade, thank you Thank you also heathclose, I think you have what I ma looking for, if you not mind I have questions: I am still confusing for a sutable gameplay type. I don't know which one is good for spaceship fighting like what you did. I chose for example dogfight but I can't see shooting for enemy so I can make a spaceship. So I wonder if you could help me. Thanks