Hi I was checking the template "Jump Tower" It is really cool. But is there a way to flip the character in X axis so when character walk left he faces left and when right faces right. But I would like it to be in Platformer template a real flip. I could manage to do a fake one by inserting a new image and -1 its X to flip but it doesn't matter. When the character picks up an Action which is a gun he still shoots right and the weapon is facing rightways. So I would also want him to shoot left or right. All the movements in the template are done in advanced move by the way.
Make sure you have these checked/on in the Character Gameplay Settings: - Forced Movement - Fixed Rotation - Image Direction This will flip character left and right when you move character left and right.
Thanx but it didn't work because the character is not actually moving left or right with arrows or arrow buttons on screen like a platformer but just moves from left to right when hits a wall. It is done in advanced move. Please check the template jump tower you will see what I mean. Is there a way to flip the character in advanced move. importing a flipped image is not a solution because when the character picks up a weapon even the image is flipped the weapon is still looking right and shooting right.
in the advanced move component can you put an image in the animation box, left advanced move have left image and right, advanced move have a right image?
oh i remember now. yes put your left and right image in the corresponding advanced component, and then you also need to attach your bullets in the advanced component box,
Nope it would work if it was only a platformer but also I want my game to be an action platformer. So if the character picks up a weapon (action with bullet spawner and weapon png image) it still shoots right ( Maybe there must be an option in action settings don't know.
you need to remove bullet from the character on the scene, and attach it in the advanced component image, and adjust the linear velocity, to suit which way the character is facing.
Hmm ok this could work then cool. Yes only I can not make the character pick up a weapon as action. This seems out of the window. Only I can make different set of characters with different bullet abilities. Is is possible to change the player during game let's say if you rescue a character your player changes to another player. not in menu but during game. This could make the game interesting. opening up different characters with different bullets or at least I can duplicate the same character with different weapons so actually the character changes but player will think he picked up a new weapon?? Btw thank you this opened up some doors for me.
Not that i am aware of, but would be an awesome thing if it was possible. I know you can change character image with an action but it wouldn't change the characters weapons, bullets etc,
@volcank Maybe you can? I haven't tried it, but can you set an action, and place a character image in the action animation box with different weapon, and bullets or what ever you are trying, and set action to replace character, and set duration to a high number so it lasts a long time or until another action is obtained.?
@volcank actually i don't think that would work, especially with the image reversing when hitting walls. Yea that won't work.
Yes probably I will have to make it unlockable in the main menu as a seperate character. Now my character doesn't move right or left when I replace an image in the Advanced Move. It only moves when that slot is empty. Actually now buildbox started to exit the software unexpectedly seems I pushed the boundries too much! LOL! Also even the main character and weapon pngs are in the slot it only shows weapon O_O getting crazy here.
oops. LOL something like that happened to me when i was making my game with same sort of thing, i cant remember what i done to fix it.
Ok things starting to work. I imported the weapon image and the character images once again. I have tried to copy the png gun image from inside the action to the Advanced Move frame. Probably copying things inside Buildbox from different priorities creates a bug and makes it crash the system. We need to start from scratch everytime. Now I have the character holding the weapon in his hand and flipping also. Now the bullet time.
Is there a way I can make those bullets shoot continuesly All I want my player is to touch the screen to touch actually to jump and the character will flip right or left when faced a wall but also will shoot continuesly. I tried permenant but seems not working.
um, yea set spawn to permanent, i think that should work.? Cant see why that it wouldn't. maybe you might have to set the bullet to an object with destroy character set. then try permanent.
Hmm wouldn't that destroy the character. Shouldn't I set it to Destroy enemy?? I set to Destroy enemy and still it shoots once and never shoots again I also set the spawn rate to like between 30-100 maybe that is where I am doing wrong.
oh yea LOL, destroy enemy, my bad. yea spawn rate needs to be much lower, 1 or 2, would give you more of a rapid fire. 30 to 100 would be like a 30 second to a minute delay in spawn.