Hi, a couple of things I was trying to do that don't seem possible currently 1) ability to rename instances on the scene of specific objects. Eg if i add 2 Rectangles they both just say "Rectangle" in the World list hierarchy. I should be able to call these "Rectangle1" and "Rectangle2" in the "Entity: Object" editor and I should be able to reference the object by this name in code. 2) ability to expose script parameters (ie Instance Variables) to the "Entity: Object" view. At the moment I can only add attributes at the Asset level, which means I can't give different object instances different properties (like an "ID" attribute etc or a Color that I can pass to the asset instance (Object)) 3) automatically give each object unique a instance ID within the engine, which can be referenced & stored if necessary to identify a specific object in the code.. eg if I spawn an object with `let ent = this.scene().create('Obstacle1');` then something should be available like `ent.instanceID` thanks
4) ability to set attribute value from code eg Code: rotationComponent = this.entity().component("Rotate"); rotationSpeed = rotationComponent.attribute("Speed"); rotationSpeed.z = 60; rotationComponent.SetAttribute("Speed", rotationSpeed); Code: let s = this.entity().component("Label"); s.SetAttribute("Text", someValueFromInstance); etc
sorry I found the "pin attribute" feature available for #2, so I'll remove that one! it's covered in this video if any body is looking