Feature Request And Bug Report

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by SrGlhd, Mar 5, 2017.


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  1. SrGlhd

    SrGlhd Boxer

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Feature that could be useful for quite some people:
    Add the ability to assign the levels (scenes?) to certain groups, so that the same group won't be played two times in succession.
    This would enable people to make levels with altering color scemes.
    example: the color of the character and the surroundings tell the player which objects are obstacles. This would allow for color switch-like games while aavoiding having the same color show up in two levels in a row. Another possibility would be to have the same level included with different color scemes and thus avoiding repeating it in the same run.

    Bug concerning the animation in "actions":
    Using the "Animation Placement: Fullscreen" and "Animation Behaviour: Replace", collecting a second action (powerup) within the duration of the first will actually not replace the fullscreen animation but rather overlay it. This is very noticable when a blurr effect (not full opacity in some parts of the png) is used in the animation.
  2. jcalle

    jcalle Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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