I'm wondering how many people agree ? These games are building up millions of players (e.g. Everwing 5.4m) in a short time. There are 1.2 billion people using Messenger. Any new game started has a minimum K factor of 1 - meaning you play with at least one friend so the viral potential is huge. Games already on the platform are Buildbox 'style' games: - Endless Lake is a variation of Nik/Ketchapp's game Sky. - Tower Match has many BB equivalent games. - Basketball also very similar. Let me know what you think
no one will disagree with you ... but lets be crystal clear .. buildbox is just awesome and i admit that it open many opportunity to people who just new to game design industry BUT after all who ever wants to get more features like : facebook players , rewarded video with sensaborimara like just any other company else than heyzap ... or even if you want to have very simple things like customize the loading screen or set up the achievements or more than one leaderboard. so anyone has just two routes : 1- to keep waiting for new updates from build box while paying 100 a month ( which is partially understandable because the buildbox team need time to develop their software ) and i said here partially because they are clearly designing game for themselves to generate some revenue like ( blue ) recently which is normal , so you will get the updates after they design some games and generate good revenue then they will forwarded those new updates for the people who are choosing this route which is an easy route for people who like to use easy software like buildbox ... and if you are supeeeeeeer luck you will be like david who designed color switch and start generating revenue for sometime and was a good advertisement for buildbox to show the world that our players hit top lists which was right in his case ... 2- the second route is for someone who is looking to be unique and professional and free .. but that route isnt easy i can tell you that because my self as one person of a team we are working around 12-14 hours a day just to develop our skills and design our next game using a new software ( i dont mention names of the software just to show some respect for this forum ) this route isnt easy at all but you can clearly see at the end of it FREEDOM of imagination of game design to a point that can be just wonderful and professional in everything so you can add any code to the game starting from multiplayer facebook , many leaderboards , achievements , even start designing some chrome cast games , and vr games .... so you can be many steps ahead of the majority of games designers on google play or apple store sorry i talked alot but your question just turned me on !!1
I have studied the facebook platform since last year and noticed that if you want a fast exposure to your game, then you need a way to: create a facebook canvas version of the game add good monitization use good graphics with nice effects (could be simple animated png files) most important, add sharing feature to game to give reward like coins, etc most important, add a play button to game on fb page Then share it to your friends and see what happens. Games shared via fb tends to share faster than playstores except you are either lucky, or created a very good game play, or spent money on advertising game. See at the end, just do what works for you, as long as you are not breaking any rules.
Totally agree, these features like sharing and game rewards are really important for a game's success. To make a distinction between traditional Facebook games and the new Facebook Instant Games on Messenger, here: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2016/11/30/instant-games-closed-beta/ Instant Games are a newish and rapidly growing platform, full of Buildbox style games.
This "INSTANT" it's grow up, but BB does'nt support HTML5 and BB Android file are not for Android Studio, so if you want to Update for Google Instant Apps, you can't
Big boys do a soft launch of each title first on Facebook (not Instant Games actually), they collect all analytics data, feedback from users etc., tweak the product and start the proper marketing campaign after all of it. It would be nice to have a possibility of porting BB game to Facebook and Facebook Instant. It's the best testing platform right now and fast growing gaming platform as well.
Been wondering about this myself . Funny, I always thought Endless Lake was a BB game given that it's almost a reskin of Sky by Ketchapp (which was a BB game). If we could get on this platform somehow, even if it didn't have ads, it could help us a lot.