Equal Jumps In Bb3?

Discussion in 'Buildbox 3.0' started by AaroArts, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. AaroArts

    AaroArts Miniboss Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    So I'm tying to create an infinite jumper along the Z axis in Buildbox 3.

    Example of the world position coordinates at each jump would be (0,0,2), (0,0,-2), (0,0,-6), (0,0,-10)... (0,0,X)
    Where the distance between jumps is 4 on the Z axis.

    I've tried adjusting the Hop template, but after so many jumps, the jumps are not in-line with the platforms.
    I've tried resetting the position based on the platform it lands on in the scene, but it causes the preview to jump all over the place and resets the ball back to the start of the first scene.
    I've tried adjusting the Velocities and Jump distances to 3 decimal places (maximum BB allows), using trial and error, to find the best result, but even after 1 jump, it's not an exact jump of 4, and over time the distance get too big or too small.
    Finally, I've tried resetting the world position using Maths.floor() to round the Z position down, but it doesn't move the character and the positions reset on the next jump.

    It starts off in the centre and at (0,0,2) (see log):

    But after so many jumps, it becomes out of line:

    The error is very small to begin with, bu after so many jumps it increases, making it out of line.

    What can I do to make a Ball jump along the Z axis at equal intervals?
    If anyone whats to try, here is a BBDoc: https://gofile.io/?c=zz3aKh

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