Detect Angle: Simple Edit On 4 Way Swipe Node

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by mohamed awad, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. mohamed awad

    mohamed awad Avid Boxer

    Mar 10, 2019
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    this change will set Swipe Using angle calculation


    so this is every direction have a touch area (falls in red lines),
    your swipe falls in that area

    in default, this is the swipe angles for all direction
    so I have set it as node attribute and you can control it

    the swipe angles fall between x and y ( angle > x && angle < y )
    x is the minimum value
    y is the maximum value

    very simple
    there is nothing more to explain, I have set a debug script to let everyone see what is going on

    you can get it from here for free

    you will get a js file
    open it using notepad or notepad++ or anything like
    copy the script and add it to 4 way Swipe node
    and don't forget to rate the product if you like it
    aminee likes this.

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