Copy And Paste Actions

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by kodagames, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. kodagames

    kodagames Avid Boxer

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Hey Boxers,

    Has anyone noticed if you put an object (inside a defeated animation, such as a enemy (collide destroy character) and copy and paste an action such as a coin inside of an object (animation defeated) the destroy character is dominant and triggered when only the coin should be triggered?

    The reason I ask is because Im having a difficult time, my game mechanics are almost complete but this has me stumped (very difficult when not using a player character for the game (its hidden in a corner and objects/coins are scaled to trigger events).
  2. Xoctrebla

    Xoctrebla Avid Boxer

    Mar 19, 2017
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    This could be due to the collision editor of the action is smaller. I noticed an issue when I was playing with Objects and Actions. Alternatively if you create a separate Enemy with a Damage of Zero it won't hurt the character and if the action doesn't occur it's because it's not touching the character.

    Did ya ever find a solution??

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