Character going off screen, appearing on other side?

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by clin407, May 22, 2016.

  1. clin407

    clin407 Boxer

    May 9, 2016
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    Is it possible, given a portrait style game, if the character goes off the left side of the screen, for it to reappear as coming in the right side? Likewise, if they go off the right side, the character will reappear as coming in the left side?

    I was thinking of using portals and attaching it to the character but movement is restricted (can't move at all) if you do that.

    Another option is to duplicate the characters offscreen on both the right and left side but the problem with that is if the character keeps off going to the left, it would need to keep coming in from the right.

    Anyone know of any other option?

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