Hi, i'm currently facing a problem with AdMob. Every time i tried to sign in with my account, it always redirects into this page even though i have an AdMob Account (i even collected $5 from it). When i clicked that 'Continue to Admob' button it only leads me to this page again over and over again. And probably the worst part The Ads doesn't show in my device anymore, It's like my account is banned but i don't get notification nor alert about it. It happened a few days ago, every time since to be working normally but suddenly i couldn't log in anymore. If anyone has the same problem or knows how to solve it, Please help me Thanks in advance
You are better off contacting Admob to see whats going on. I've just logged into mine and its working fine. Have you logged in with the correct Google account? If ads arent appearing, its clear they have either suspended or closed your account down. Either you didnt follow the rules or didnt reply back to any requests.