Buildbox Export

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by SpencerKMcGee, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. SpencerKMcGee

    SpencerKMcGee Boxer

    Nov 11, 2017
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    When I export my Project from buildbox and go to open it in both eclipse or android studio it says that "there is no projects to be found" I've been doing some research with this and have found that this is a common problem with some other users. They said they had to uninstall and then reinstall buildbox and some had to do it multiple times.
    My question is, Is that safe to do with the license keys and what not? Ill be using the exact same laptop so I wouldn't think so? Also when you unistall buildbox, does it affect any of the saved games? should I maybe load them to a USB drive?
    Gbello97 likes this.

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