Exciting news! We're now offering premium templates for sale right inside of Buildbox! You'll never have to worry about searching for templates online again! Our new premium templates are available in our built-in Template Library in Buildbox 3.3.12 for instant access with hundreds of payment options, no matter where you live in the world. So, you can get your game project off to a quick start and save time! Each template is a mini-game with pre-built features that you can edit and customize. Create stunning 3D platformers, 2D brawlers, epic adventures, and more. Here’s What’s New in the Template Library: Adventure Run Template Gather coins, collect stars, defeat all enemies, and find hidden secrets like a true collect-a-thon in this 3D platformer inspired by classic video games. Template Includes: 3D Platformer Brainbox 3D models with FBX rigs and animations Enemies with simple AI Classic platformer-inspired art style Multiple collectibles: coins and stars Works with all subscription types Brooklyn Brawler Template Fight your way through New York's streets to save your girlfriend. With this old-school, arcade cabinet inspired beat 'em up template; you can beat up your enemies, collect points, and jump across rooftops. Template Includes: Modified 2D Platformer Brainbox for Beat 'em up gameplay Enemy AI that reacts to the player Classic 8-bit art style with smooth animations Multiple collectibles: coins and health Works with all subscription types Planetary Quest Template Explore an unknown world in this 2D platformer, which is now available at a new low price! To find the hidden key and your way out, you must overcome dangerous obstacles such as wild indigenous creatures and acid pools of liquid. Template Includes: 2D Platformer Brainbox Enemies with simple AI Various platform types: crumbling, moving, swinging Multiple collectibles: switch that opens walls, a key that opens exit door Works with all subscription types To check out all our cool new templates, make sure to update to Buildbox 3.3.12! We’ll be continuing to drop new premium templates based on the most popular gameplay styles on a regular basis. So, keep an eye on the Template Library for the most recent releases! You may update within the app directly or use the links below: OSX: https://releases.buildbox.com/buildbox/current/Buildbox3.dmg WIN: https://releases.buildbox.com/buildbox/current/Buildbox3.exe Enjoy!
This update simply adds the ability to buy premium templates. Bug fixes will be in the next update, sorry for any confusion
Hi @Sean Buildbox I totally missed the updates and features lately. Was the AppTrackingTransparency implemented for iOS requirements since we can not publish an app/game at ios AppStore if this is not in the game since April 26th? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apptrackingtransparency https://developer.apple.com/design/...nes/ios/app-architecture/accessing-user-data/ https://developer.apple.com/documentation/adsupport/ Thanks.
Yes this has been added in both BB2 and BB3 several weeks ago if not further. All is well, though be prepared to potentially have to clarify to reviewers that the permissions are there as it seems some of the reviewers are still catching up
Cool @Sean Buildbox thank you so much! I checked it now I guess it has been added in 3.3.5 version. Thanks for clearing it up.
No problem! Yes, same permalinks point to the latest update Adding the main post as well: OSX: https://releases.buildbox.com/buildbox/current/Buildbox3.dmg WIN: https://releases.buildbox.com/buildbox/current/Buildbox3.exe