You might have done something to break it, no one else has this issue, but if you send the BBDoc to they will be able to fix it for you pretty easily
Josh and @tonymartz2 - thanks for your inputs. It's my mistake, I thought that was an issue with BB3, but I figured it is more of a limitation than an issue. The scenes are working just fine, I was just testing unusual, out-of-the-box prototype where the current setup of scenes in BB3 are not working as expected. I think I just figured out a different way to display scenes in BB. It's crazy, the current setup of BB3, all scenes (random / aligned) are displaying and executing at once to show this nice continuation effect of the game, right? But in this case the scenes are STACKED. For some static 3D games, it would be nice to have UNSTACKED scenes, where they execute one by one to break that continuation so it appears that each scene is actually a stand alone level, instead of a sequence Currently, Buildbox has stacked/sequenced scenes. But if I create a game prototype that requires unstacked / non-sequenced scenes, I get weird multiple character / objects into the scene that should not be there and many top games in the App Store already have this Unstacked Scene effect. Probably 10% of boxers here would be able to understand this, but it's more of a limitation with BB more than an actual issue. Because now I cannot randomize unstacked scenes. It's impossible with the current BB3 scene setup. Sorry for raising a false flag -> I already found a way around, but if Unstacked scenes were introduced, it will take BB3 to the next level.
Hi, i dont know this bug posted bug, I can't use my variables with anchor doesn't work. Shot 2019-07-13 at 19.30.03.png
@weboha I saw this behaviour right yesterday, if you save and reopen the bbdoc you can then add anchor to new attributes, that's what worked for me. For some reason newly created attributes doesn't allow anchors to be added.
I just open the progression game template and press play but can't see the progression bar there. Is the error on my side or is this a known issue?
@Sean Buildbox feature request for BB3. When align scenes (random or aligned) I would be able to do so for each 3D world separately, not global set to all scenes. For example, when double-click on the 3D world 1, I should be able to randomize the scenes, and when double-click on 3D world 2, and click align scenes, BB3 should align only for World 2, not World 1. I think now random/aligned scenes are applied to ALL worlds, so we cannot have that separate for each 3D world. It would be more flexible that way mate. Thanks, Itzo
@Sean Buildbox we need a Node for restore IAP with callback. Not a real way to manage ads without restore callback since Apple requires this for No Ads IAP.