Buildbox Rc1

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by NikRudenko, Jan 31, 2019.

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  1. NikRudenko

    NikRudenko Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Thanks guys for feedback. We are looking in to this crash during open. It is probably some fixes we made recently that affect stuff in specific situations. We are working on hot fix right now and soon we will be releasing new build
    Hue Buildbox likes this.
  2. DTM

    DTM Boxer

    Sep 24, 2018
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    hi, when can we expect version 2.3.8?
  3. thatguyminib

    thatguyminib Serious Boxer

    Jul 1, 2017
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    This may be the goal but so far is not the case.
    rizwanashraf likes this.
  4. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Keeping things separate is always nice and clean. One software for all, I do not know. But if BB3 shows good capabilities and better replacement of BB2, why not.

    2D model of gaming is not dead, yet.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2019
  5. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    @NikRudenko BUG REPORT without crash: I do not know when this occurs, but sometimes collision shapes are off or enemies do not kill the character, even if it set correctly to enemy, etc. When restart Buildbox (close and open it again), the problem is fixed. This sometimes happens for other actions related to the character (like angular jump). When duplicating objects with "D" also some properties are off. When restart Buildbox it works like a charm. It happened to me once, the character does not want to jump, check the nodes, everything is fine. When restarted Buildbox (closed and opened it), it worked, the character began jumping. So you see, this bug is somehow related to the character in one way or another. Hope this helps.
  6. rizwanashraf

    rizwanashraf Avid Boxer

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Yes i meant first lets have a stable 3D version and then move forward with the concept of importing bb2 files into it. i love the new 2D option in 3D version. i dont really mind using bb2 its really good. we had the migration before from bb1 to bb2, it was impossible to import at first but now you can.
  7. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Strongly disagree. Buildbox 3 doesn't improve your chances of getting published over its predecessor BB2 just because they added coding or because it is in 3D. Many 2D games continue to get published. A game concept, uniqueness, playability and retention will always remain the factors for getting published regardless of what engine was used to create the game.

    Coding ability added to Buildbox 3 has made the engine more flexible, but it is still unable to do a zillion things that other engines are capable of doing, but the BB team is heading in the right direction.

    As of today, there are only a couple features missing preventing people from making releases that a publisher would consider when using Buildbox 3, of course stability needs to be the first thing fixed with Buildbox 3. Now that IAP and Ad monetization has been incorporated that solved the first couple of issues publishers will demand. To my knowledge the ability to use in-game currency hasn't been fully implemented today and is usually a demand of most publishers. The last piece of the puzzle is the ability to incorporate the PSDKs of the publisher, we've been told that the BB team is capable of adding that ability. But I personally have some concerns with this specific aspect and I will explain why;
    Normally you submit your game to a publisher using a video trailer or TestFlight. If they like what they see, depending on the publisher, they will then ask for some specific things to be done to your game so they can start testing, they may also ask for custom video trailers, end cards, and some other miscellaneous things. They normally expect a fast turn around on these requests, however it is different for each publisher. This means we may need fast, quick responses from the BB team in this regards. If we had a plugin that allowed us to add the PSDKs we could do it very quickly, so if you heard back from a publisher on Friday you would easily have it ready to go on Monday. Time will tell if the BB team is capable of providing that type of quick response. I personally am not thrilled with putting my work's fate into someone else hands. As I understand it, this type of plugin is coming in the future, that is the correct way to do it, like other engines, that ability should be built in and should be controlled by the coder, not by someone else.

    I think, once the stability issues are solved and the ability to use in-game currency, Buildbox 3 is ready to be an engine that can produce publisher ready games. But just because the engine is ready it still depends on the game concept, uniqueness, playability and retention numbers for the game to be a success. Games today produced in BB2 can still be published, but you need to have a great game, well polished. If you can have those things then publishers will still want your product regardless of the engine you used to create it.

    Anyways, just my 2 cents.
    menanche likes this.
  8. Ahmad Naamneh

    Ahmad Naamneh Boxer

    Dec 24, 2018
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    I have these problems:
    1- When i pinned "Set Color" or "Sound" nodes to the option bar then save the file and open it again they disappear.
    2- When i hooked a "sound" to a "Wake Up" node and pinned it to the option bar, then the sound not playing
    3- Touch rotate node not working on Z axis
  9. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    @NikRudenko FEATURE SUGGEST: Since we can add multiple characters into a scene and in different worlds, it would be nice to have "coins" that are collectable for all characters, instead of having them as separate coins for each character. Coins that are not set "if collide" with another character will not be collected by that character.

    Perhaps you can create a node that's universal for all characters for coins, OR like you did with GROUP enemies, GROUP platforms, it's time I guess to introduce GROUP variable for characters to collect the same items: such as coins in gameplay!

    On "If Collide" node, Affected Asset:
    Group enemies
    Group platforms
    Group coins
    Group Characters

    Thank you.
    Saba and rizwanashraf like this.
  10. thatguyminib

    thatguyminib Serious Boxer

    Jul 1, 2017
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    I honestly think that it is still not easy for non-coders to jump in and start creating an awesome game like with BB2. It feels like Buildbox is diverting from their core principles. Just my thoughts though.
    rizwanashraf likes this.
  11. rizwanashraf

    rizwanashraf Avid Boxer

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Wow! Thats +1
  12. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    I currently have multiple characters that can pick up all coins. It can be done now with zero code. Just set your collide up within the coins and set to ALL. Make sure your coins don't touch anything, I have some that look like they are on a platform, but in actuality they are just above it. Setting to all allows any character to pick them up.
  13. Tom King

    Tom King Boxer

    Nov 23, 2018
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    @NikRudenko New console can't be made wider, so long statements get cut off, even when error is selected. Can separate window option be added/reinstated please.
  14. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Thanks for your suggestion. Sure, that's a way around but it would affect all assets, I would have more control if Group for Characters is introduced, because this cannot be used just for coins, but all sorts of objects in the game, it would make things more flexible. What if I want to add different coins for different characters, will that ALL Assets be helpful? Probably it can be done with scripts, but hey not all members are expert coders here :p

    I am suggesting a good feature request for non-coders, so thumbs up please :D
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2019
    Codifie and rizwanashraf like this.
  15. ditaz1999

    ditaz1999 Boxer

    Jan 21, 2019
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    :) I totally agreed with this..
  16. Ahmad Naamneh

    Ahmad Naamneh Boxer

    Dec 24, 2018
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    I feel the same, i paid for 1 month to try -BTW they should offer a trial version- but later I encountered many bugs, errors and crashes, even the simple option is not available such as Ads which is the most important option.
    i emailed the support with more than 10 errors and bugs, i still finding more but with no real solution from support.
    nodes are not enough to make a game so you have to learn coding which is not their title " to build a game without coding".
    any way my first month expired, i decided to renew my subscription to find the new features and updates, and got disappointed!! They solved some problems and added poor improvements but new problems came to the app, crashes, errors and bugs.
    one more note : when i tried to renew my subscription but with new card, i didn't find any option to update my cardm the website asked me to sign up again however i have an existing account, but i contacted the support and the other day i solve the problem.
  17. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Agree, didn't mean to say your idea was not a good idea.
    itzonator likes this.
  18. nyamuk91

    nyamuk91 Boxer

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Does this mean that it is no longer beta?
  19. nyamuk91

    nyamuk91 Boxer

    Aug 15, 2018
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    And 1 more thing, why can't we resize the console log window?
  20. tonymartz2

    tonymartz2 Avid Boxer

    Jun 9, 2016
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    when my game opens on the star scene, game does not move only character until the character reaches the second scene then everything moves fine.
    also as someone mention texture shows fine on preview but not on actual device.

    hopefully a new build is release because this one is worse than last one.
    I know you guys are working hard and we appreciate it but it gets frustrating sometimes on this end.
    landofgreendev likes this.
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