Buildbox 2 Need A System And All The Options Like Buildbox 3 (vote)

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by Gray Studio, Sep 12, 2018.


Buildbox 2 need a system and all the options like buildbox 3

  1. yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. no

    1 vote(s)
  1. Gray Studio

    Gray Studio Boxer

    Sep 10, 2018
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    So, recently i have tried to make games in BB2 and most of the time there was nothing else then bugs that i hit into (reported)

    I couldn't really stand it anymore so i moved on to BB3 beta and the name says it all "BETA" but its still better then BB2 system in my opinion. I realized that BB2 system is so bad compared to BB3 system and options you have. You have more then 110% more options to deal with in BB3.

    And its kinda sad to see BB2 system and options so bad compared to BB3 because there is people like me, who would like to make some actually and quality 2D games but cant...

    so i wanted to make a vote to get buildbox's attention to change it, because jesus its bad.... (Please give your vote! and let's rise this message to buildbox staff)
  2. MattWills

    MattWills Avid Boxer

    Nov 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I would rather they leave a stable 2.3.7 release and then concentrate on BB3 to develop that. 2D will be integrated into BB3 at some point.

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