BB2.0 crashes

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by creativesoffice, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. creativesoffice

    creativesoffice Boxer

    Oct 22, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hi all,

    Wanted to share some insights about my story with BB2.0. Great software, huge potential for a software like this if you don't like code :) but bugs a ton of it and almost unusefull for a 1k product per year.

    Atm working on a game and in Mind map if i delete any UI/gameplay card it crashes, if i try to save it crashes, export crashes. I am stuck. Cannot do anything else since cannot save something to move further with the process. Had tons of ideas but cannot do anything since all roads are going to bugs after bugs.

    Bugs i experienced so far:

    1. Teleport does not worked for me even 1 time. crashes all the time.
    2. Path does not work either.
    3. Particles crashes if I edit the particle emitter. Not all the time but crashes.
    4. Crashes if I delete elements from scene editor, png animation editor. Random crashes, not always the same and in same place.
    5. random crashes on export.
    6. Random crashes on save.
    7. Crashes if adding Friction friction.
    8. Unlock suggestion is showing on free characters as well. Assuming that is a bug?

    The most annoying is that I cannot continue working on the game since is crashing if i try to save.

    Anyone have a solution for this issue?

    I am running win7 64 bit.

  2. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    1) apparently there is an issue on windows, looking into this.
    2) paths work but only in certain conditions, we announced this at release of early access (gravity, and character controls affect this badly) using direct movement only is the way to go for now.
    3) We have noticed issues if having preview and particles editor open at the same time, will be working on a fix for this.
    4) Will need to investigate this further. If you find a reproducible combination please let us know.
    5+6) Working on solution for windows, I think this is fixed in the next release.
    7) not implemented yet, this should be hidden. (also mentioned when we released)
    8) I can't tell if this is an issue or not...would be helpful to send example BBDOC to support so we can check.

    Hope some of this helps... we are getting the next early access beta release ready currently.
  3. creativesoffice

    creativesoffice Boxer

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the update.

    1. Re crashing on saving as I have now what can be done? I cannot literally move further since app is crushing. Any road to avoid doing so?

    2. Any ETA for update for beta version? Or Official release?

    3. For some reason cannot attach files. Is loading full and i got an error that file cannot be uploaded. See here please:


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