This is a game I've been building on and off for a few years now in my free time in BB2. Control your turret and defend your planet from asteroids and aliens, while collecting crystals to purchase weapons to aid in your fight for survival. The plan is to release on the Google Play store once the game is finished. Any feedback to make the game more interesting would be awesome! Astral D Mind Map
Wow, that Mind Map is impressive! I just watched your videos, amazing work, and just shows what Buildbox is capable of. Would love to know some more about how you went about building the mechanics, maybe some tips and tricks. I am looking forward to your release. -Larry
There are a lot of tips and tricks I want to show that might help give people ideas for their own games, so once I get this released on the store I'll have more time to go over everything and explain how I got the game to work the way I wanted. My plan is to release in the next couple weeks, but no real date set yet. I'll update again soon!
Here's a new trailer: The mind map was cut down in size, a lot of it was redundant. I'm doing some final touches on each world right now, but I'm basically all done. Astral D Mind Map Update 1 [/MEDIA]
amazing work buddy ! i ave couple of questions. 1. where you bought those particles? 2. drone squadron - is that real AI or just objects who travel in a path ? Thanks
Yeah I've been testing on Android to make sure it runs smooth, older devices can struggle a bit so I've been working on optimization lately. The particle effects were made in Photoshop, and the drone squadron doesn't use AI or paths. They just move in a forward direction and have a random angular velocity. Thank you! I hope people enjoy playing it
Well I'm having trouble optimizing the game so that it plays smoothly on all mobile devices. I have 3 atlases, but there are a lot of objects in each world and if I cut it down the game doesn't play the way I want it to. It can run alright on newer phones, but even then it lags a bit when multiple weapons are being used. I'm considering releasing the game on Steam, not sure though. Playing(testing) a windows build full screen is my favorite way to play it anyways, so maybe Steam is the way to go. I'll keep trying different ways to cut back on each world to get it to run well on mobile though.
hello cpullma1 use back jump instead of star next chepoint and picture 90x90 mobile you will see the diffrance
same problem as you, I had so much connection between UIs 'star next checkpoint', until I read on the forum that star next checkpoint consume memory stick so I use back jump and boom my game function very well on any old mobile and also I have 13 atles
Thanks for the tip belmir. I checked my UI menus but I don't use start checkpoint, I either use default direct connection or back jump. Not sure if there's something else I'm missing that is causing a lot of lag.
After testing a lot of things I figured out what is causing all of the lag. So for the asteroids I have Large, Medium, and Small, and in the death animations of the Large there are Medium ones that spawn. The medium ones spawn the Small in their death animations, and finally the crystals spawn in the death animation of the Small. The idea was you need to break down the asteroids to get to the crystals, and it works good and it's pretty fun, but it appears to be the cause of the lag. I took out all of the crystals from the Small and made it so you don't collect any crystals at all in the game(for testing), I also stopped the Smalls from spawning in the death animations of the Mediums, and it runs great on my old device. So right now in my test file I have the Large asteroids spawning different variations of Mediums and Smalls, and nothing spawning in the death animations of the Mediums and Smalls(except an explosion image sequence) and it runs great. I might need to have a few crystal objects that have a large random spawn range that enter the field similar to how the asteroids come in, or get rid of the crystals and just have a little gold icon float in at random times. I really want to keep the crystals spawning from the small asteroids, but it just seems very expensive and lags way too much. If anyone has any other ideas on how I should do the in-game currency I would love to hear them!
Pre-Register Astral D - Planetary Barrage! The game will be officially released in about two weeks, so please help spread the word that it's coming soon!
Astral D is on google play now! I worked on a lot of bugs and optimization so hopefully it runs alright for everyone. Have fun! It's free. There is still a lot I plan on adding to the game including more worlds to play, different enemies and weapons.