Voodoo will basically accept any game in any format for testing whether its BB2 or BB3 or any other game platform. As long as you can integrate FB & GameAnalytics for testing then its good to go. However the issue is Publishing. If a game successfully meets retention targets and Voodoo then offer a publishing deal its required for the game to be in Unity to integrate various Voodoo's SDKs and implement Ad requirements. BB3 will though negate that requirement and as per the statement yesterday Nik and team will help pull the Voodoo (and others) SDK into BB3 to get your game published.
one of my friend just shred me last night's Voodoo livestream. They saying to stick with 3D games and mentioning some valid reasons. Also, they are telling to games like runner , .io. I asked many times that shall we make an .io looking game with BB? I can't pay hundreds of dollars to do it on other engines. I have no coding skills. BB is the only option. Just wanna sort out some doubts before jump in.
You can make .io games without the need to have actual multiplayer. I can't remember which game it was, I think Bumper - when it first launched, the other players were actual AI. Once the game took off, they did add server support and multiplayer. Snowball.io is also AI driven.