Animate Lights In The Scene To Match The Music

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by kodagames, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. kodagames

    kodagames Avid Boxer

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Has anyone had any experience matching lights in the scene to go with background music? If so how do you achieve this or any thoughts on how to accomplish this?

    I'm guessing I would have to animate the lights with the music in the background... lol now the original question sounds dumb.

    Thank you in advance for any ideas :D
  2. playsgames6666

    playsgames6666 Miniboss Boxer

    Nov 13, 2015
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    LOL i guess you answered your own question.
    Have fun doing that.
    Should be possible, might take some work.
    Im sure there is possibly some software to help do it.
    Maybe someone else will know..
    kodagames likes this.
  3. trudnai

    trudnai Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    You mean to sync light effects to your background music? In BuildBox? This is the Mission Impossible scenario, but here we goes:

    - You can assume that you start your world and your UI at the very same time, so you carefully add light effects to the world possibly as an Action Animation -- if your character has a constant speed you can do that easily -- there will be a high possibility to desynchronized, it is just you may have the illusion it works...

    - You may can add your notes one by one to objects or actions and play them when character touches them -- Similar idea how MIDI works, and also involves your character to move at a constant speed so it hits the notes just at the right moment to create the note... This case your light effects can be synchronized, however, it is damn hard to create your music in BuildBox like that. I have tried that, works, but needs relentless effort :)
    kodagames likes this.

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