Android APIs- how many

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by jigglybean, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. jigglybean

    jigglybean Avid Boxer

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Hi all

    How many APIs do you have installed in your SDK? Is it just the latest or do you have the majority installed?

    Am I right in thinking if you have API (10) Android 2.3.3 - your app should work on phones running that version? But BB doesn't support that far back?
  2. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    You only need the one required (API 23 in most cases now). Any lower SDK can be a minimum target but you don't need it installed. BB currently support a minimum SDK of 11 (Android 3.x). You could change the minimum target in your AndroidManifest file to a lower number and it may still work. But Android 2.x and earlier only get like 5% of the traffic.
    jigglybean likes this.

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