Analytics - Benefits Of Each

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by JoeWilson, Sep 20, 2016.

  1. JoeWilson

    JoeWilson Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I'm going through adding analytics and I stuck deciding Google analytics or Facebook analytics. I'm going to have Admob ads in the game and I will also have FB likes and sharing along with possibly running some FB ads.

    Curious from other Boxers who added either or both, what the benefits of one over the other might be. Or do they both provide similar metrics.

    For this who don't feel analytics is important, think again.

    Does your game crash?
    How many times?
    When do users stop playing your games?
    When do they typically go to your IAP store
    Do they buy remove ads from your game over page, the info screen, pause screen, IAP store or main menu?

    A lot can be gathered from iTunes analytics but more can be gather from in game metrics.

    Thanks for any feedback!
  2. spicedbeangames

    spicedbeangames Miniboss Boxer

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Considering how Admob ties in with Google Play, that would be the best route. I would never use Facebook for metrics because you don't know how accurate the data would be and if its just to track 'likes', you can do that with every email alert 'xyz liked your page'

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