@Machine Rises Color Switch was a big success and by taking full control in your own hands we all hope Color Switch 2 and other new upcoming...
Yeah i also agree with that and its true,sorry i asked for showing us your game.
Hey first of all can you show us a glimpse of your game that you sent
Color Switch is not available anymore on the appstore and on the playstore. In an interview David Reichelt @Machine Rises told that in december...
First it went off from homepage to contact page and now its not showing in contact page also the only way to access forum is to google it. Is it...
Problem is solved @Benfont Thanks for your help....
I found the solution actually you just have to select background and edit its movement or speed from right side.. hope it works for you.
Does anybody know how can I setup an time bar which function exactly like in the game TIMBERMAN means when you tap the bar increases and when you...
Sorry I didn't meant that.I know you guys are working hard for this. Goodluck
Well there you go, buildbox is going to change every thing for indie developers its going to be like a revolution with all those node based...
Can you or anyone explain up a little bit
@brakewind723 We want that video link again
Separate names with a comma.