i has more or less the same problem. In my case i want the stage to not scroll and to be able to move character up down left and right. In World...
Frederik, can you elaborate more about that? Anyway to make a music select screen or make game change music at some point in the stage? thanks!
yes thanks. i wrote support just for that. Years before was not needed to press alt
same problem here. Do they remove it ? ( im back , wass away since 2016) any help?
@Andy #Andy Hi, how many characters i can have in a game? Player characters , like a man, a bear a boxer etc, how many characters to select one...
Hi, im getting something simimar. I want banners on gameplay screen and intertitials on game over and sometimes on store menu. But im getting them...
hi, do you get the AdMob to work? im same problem here, and i have read all Ad post here,Still no show on my game. If you fixed, can you share...
Hi, any update on different backgrounds for words? And BB2 is on version 2.0.0 or do i need to update? (when i press on Check for Updates , it...
Hi, i think i having a similar error. On bb1 i export to android and test on Galaxy note 5 and some other Phones with Android version 5 up and...
i installed the game in galaxy s6 and the change of CheckPoints quantity from 300 to 15 is working. But not on my Note 5. I change the version to...
ok, i would do that. Thanks heathclose.
Hi, animation is set to 8 Duration (frames) and 1 to Animation speed. Also now there is another error plroblem. When i test the game on BB the...
Hi heathclose , im creating a game like Color Switch ( to learn how BB works) If i change the Game Over Delay to more than 0, charater defeated...
I just keep working the game on BB1. Now i want to test it on a real device. I export from Buildbox to android. Installed Android Studio and...
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