Hi. Test ad through Adbox crashes sound in game. Cannot release game before this is fixed. We don´t know if it is the test ad (coin toss) that is...
Unfortunately the transparency issue is not working at all. This is from latest version....
May also suggest: Color option on the scenes so one can organize them easier or a scenes manager. Collision group is limited. Would love a tag...
Thanks. What is happening to Editable Assets Smart Assets 2.0? It was mentioned as coming soon in this post aprox a year ago:...
I meant 3.4.7 yes. Very big and strange bug. Anyway, are you fixing the no-scrolling issue in the selecting through if collide node, spawn node...
In 3.3.7 I cannot adjust order of items in the UI outliner. Can you confirm this is a bug and that it will be addressed ASAP? We cannot release...
Read up on save and load in the documentation
Use a state machine connected to your if collide. When hit start activate a state that has nothing connected or something else. When the hit end,...
Depends on what tennis game you are trying to make. To make pong is very easy in BB.
Seems like I was a bit quick. The normal shapes are now in a different slot in the main window. Still, search engine is not working. = search...
Hi. You added the new Assets store, but the search engine is not working, nor can you make a list with the basic assets like cube, sphere etc...
Hi. Still having the issues. Could you look at this video and see what´s wrong?...
Hi. I´m having an issue or several. Can´t pickup the item and a constant error message. This pops up a million times. I am using a sphere as the...
Separate names with a comma.