Create a controlled lift

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by sysads, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. sysads

    sysads Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I was wondering if anyone might have tried this - I want to create a lift whereby the lift gets activated ONLY on collision (this I have done) but I want the lift to drop back to its original position and stay there (this I have also done with transformation but issue now is if i go back to use lift, lift does not move because the transformation had reset its Y-axis to 0.
  2. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I think it's possible to do once. Just make the stop logic a little bit further down than where it starts. Put the collision to raise, at the end put a logic so it changes direction and at the end you put the 0 value. Probably not exactly what you want but if you get it right with the physics it will appear to be a lift.
  3. trudnai

    trudnai Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Just remember, there is no such things as "impossible" (unless that is a game type lol)

    Attach a Logic to your Character and let that start the elevator go up:
    Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 10.11.14 AM.png
    Another Logic on the top brings back the elevator, where on the ground a third one stops it...
    Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 10.14.04 AM.png
    qfup and Phill Mason like this.

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