Our Latest Update From Buildbox Ceo, Jonathan Zweig

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Sean Buildbox, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    There were no lies. The information was there. It's our responsibility to seek them out not theirs.
    For 2 years they have said publicly that this ir that is the plan and that's exactly what they have been doing. Some things change for sure, but that's not a lie. They were transparent about the rev share thing. If they weren't, everyone would have discovered it. There is no secret. There is no conspiracy. There is just a company TRYING to grow their software so YOU can grow your business. That's it. Some things we will disagree on that they do, some we won't. Just because there are people who don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.
  2. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Hiding the truth = good people lmao.
    I wish they would have told me that they will take 30% of my income a couple of months ago when I payed for my yearly subscription, but they didn't. Good people indeed. It is my fault for not being able to predict the future.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2021
  3. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Well I don’t think anyone at Buildbox has lied. I think they are a business making what they think are good business decisions. But I also think they fail to look at the truth, rev share wasn’t necessary ever before but subscriptions are plummeting. They have to make up the revenue some how. Why are subscriptions plummeting? Because BB3 is and has been broken since version 3.1+. Why? The answer is simple, the code is Nik’s, it’s difficult to say the least to jump into someone else code and decipher and make all of mesh as you try to add things. Bugs get created and in BB3’s case ignored. Users get frustrated and leave.
    Years ago now Trey weaved a great tale of how BB3 would soon be competing with the big boys and many of us scoffed and told him the brutal truth. And here we are. Now of course it’s not Trey this time, it’s a new name with basically the same great tales. But this is not lying. This is the hope you need when you run a business and want it to grow. But often times words are just words because the follow through is either too expensive, too skilled, or just plain ridiculous.
    Sadly, today it appears as though Buildbox believes more money will fix the issues. In reality the issue is the product. Until they fix the product more and more subscribers will leave. Changes after v3.1 caused all the issues, they were ignored, now it has become a monster that nobody at BB can control and the buggy product becomes exposed to users as not able to fulfill the hype and they leave.
    I don’t think anyone has purposefully lied, but I don’t believe BB is being transparent at all. Transparency would be admitting that the product is flawed and needs fixed and admitting that you don’t know how to fix it. That would be transparency!
  4. Sean Buildbox

    Sean Buildbox Serious Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I want to address some misconceptions here. One is that we will have tools to mitigate any issues with SDK duplication and AdBox. We'll have more specific details on that forthcoming, but it is a valid concern and one our team is taking seriously.

    The other is that Nik Rudenko is still with the company, so any of his code is not the issue. We have stated that we have invested heavily in Engine improvements in the last year. They are not small investments or quick changes, but they address some of the greater outstanding issues within the Buildbox engine. These changes are being rolled out as soon as possible and we're excited to share them with the community.

    There are other misconceptions within this comment but these are the ones I think are most important and wanted to address. We do know there is more work to do with the Buildbox engine to make it exceptional and we are in the process of doing so. We appreciate your patience and thank you for being a part of the Buildbox Community.
  5. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Well I was trying to be nice to figure out why reported bugs have not been fixed. Your answer doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy at all. In fact that makes it even scarier.
  6. Sean Buildbox

    Sean Buildbox Serious Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    To clarify we are always in the process of fixing reported bugs. For some there are priorities assigned that may push them down based on the greater needs of the software and the community. For some, as in the case of some of the bugs you have mentioned, a deeper reworking/update of the engine was needed to address those issues. So in the past year we've made a massive investment in doing so and as I stated prior we are super excited to showcase it once ready. Hopefully that clarifies.
  7. mrqwuyx

    mrqwuyx Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    @Sean Buildbox

    As I have dicussed with you and you also acknowledged the Android "Share" issue, will you please ask your team to fix this on priority, our users are not able to share the app with friends due to this issue, this happens in android 10 and android 11, this is s simple fix it seems
  8. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Also, you cannot act as if they knew they wanted to do this plan months ago. This could have very well been a weekend thought. Plus, the MOMENT an idea comes, you don't just announce it. You get your ducks in a row first. I agree tho that with the last plan i even wanted my money back. I paid for 100% and was not about to get that. Well, now we get 100%. We are back to the way it was before with the added bonus of a new ad network that not only is up to you to use 100% but also acts as a fail-safe. NOT A SINGLE GAME MAKER OUT THERE DOES THAT. If your admob ads fail, they just fail. There is no fail-safe in place. Like it or not, BB is revolutionary.

    As Sean just said above, they already know they aren't on the same level as the bigger game makers out there. BUT, they surpass those other softwares when it comes to usability. Ease of use. Which was Treys original idea to begin with. And there is no such thing as perfect. BB is still relatively new. But no one lied about anything. Nothing was kept hidden from us. It was just a deal we didnt like and they disrupted their entire plan just to give us what we wanted.....which was 100% of our revenue goes to us. And that's what we got. Not seeing an issue here.
    Sean Buildbox likes this.

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