Our Latest Update From Buildbox Ceo, Jonathan Zweig

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Sean Buildbox, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. Andrea Coppola

    Andrea Coppola Boxer

    Nov 6, 2020
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    I know that this is not the right place, but, since I have repeatedly reported new features to be implemented and no one responds, I think it is useful to implement:
    - Follow Path in 3D (like that of BB2);
    - PBR materials or at least Normal Map, Metalness and Roughness to the texture set;
    - Cut Scene or the ability to import a video;
    - TRIGGER objects (without the need to add an invisible cube), already pre-composted: go to the next level, teleport, save ...;
    - a slightly more advanced AI system with predefined enemy behaviors: attack, flee, follow, other actions ...
  2. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    It seems to me that Admob will easily recognize two different sources and there will be no conflict. One will be Adsense and the other Adbox. Unless, to be sure, a lock option is introduced for the use of only one option.
  3. Marclb

    Marclb Boxer

    Jul 20, 2020
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    As I mentioned before, Admob will NOT ban you if you use Admob + any other adnetwork. Adbox will be just another adnetwork. The problem brought up was having 2 Admob accounts associated to one app. In other words, the same adnetwork integrated twice with 2 different accounts in the same app.

    At the moment, if you are using BB2 or BB-classic, you can have a bunch of adnetworks + admob in the same app. For example, I always use Chartboost on Amazon for interstitials and admob for banners.
  4. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I think pro users should be left alone with the revenue share model, 10% is not going to do much for Buildbox, there are too many uncertainties regarding this new pricing setup and Admob can start banning user publishing accounts if this revenue share model is not compliant with their terms of services.
    kwinchi likes this.
  5. adrianjgomez

    adrianjgomez Boxer

    Apr 1, 2016
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    It is only for easy integration. I think it is perfectly fair if they take 10% of that revenue even for pro membership. I use a custom integration for my games and would probably never use the easy integration.
  6. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Of course. Only easy integ will cost 10%. The rest of the income goes to the creator. In my opinion, this option is more advantageous than the previous one. If you use the custom option you have 100%.
  7. kwinchi

    kwinchi Boxer

    Jul 31, 2019
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    that's the thing ,every pro user will probably seek to implement custom networks , but not everyone knows how to implement them and the support has never been useful in this area , admob is already there and they will discontinue it just to give us a hard time adding it back with the custom option

    if you could publish a tutorial on adding admob via the custom option that would be very appreciated
    deborahjmossman likes this.
  8. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    This new plan gives BB a tiny tiny amount of revenue from your games. Just enough to fund BB more but not enough that it affects your overall. I want that. I want BB to find a way to make more money so they can dump it all into BB. We all constantly complain of bugs and lack of new features and then fight them when they finally find a way that will fix all of that.

    The previous plan would force you to give up 10% of your overall. This new plan is practically 1%. If you use other ads, they will only end up getting a extremely low amount. But collectively, it will be a big amount. Which solves their issue. And it doesn't break our banks.

    I would love to see AdBox blow up. Then i can ditch admob and just use their solution. Will be easier. This new plan i believe will change everything. We are about to get a super powerful BB. Which means better quality games made. Which means you making more money. If to achieve that i have to give them a tiny trickle of ad revenue....im down.
  9. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    I think the changes made to the rev share program are better than originally announced, however I still see a glaring issue with any type of rev share program being implemented by the BB team at this current time.

    As of today, every game produced by me using BB after v3.1 on IOS produces a crash log, it always hovers around 15% of installs. As stated, this is only on games produced after v3.1. These games are not heavily loaded games, simple objects, simple game play, yet always a crash log. This crash log never appeared prior to v3.1.

    Any type of crash appearing in the analytics is an issue and will cause the game to never be allowed as a feature game.

    So, paying any type of rev share on a product that is hampering developers is an issue to me. I don’t know if this is a skill issue on the BB teams end or what because this issue has never been fixed even though it has been reported for at least a year. Nothing has changed. The last update announced by Nik Rudenko is the last version that was bug free in regards to the end product, at least in my tests. Why would I agree to rev share on a product that is incapable of providing a bug free end product?

    Rev share is being sold to us on the basis that BB need the income to support bug fixes, features, and growth. This is hard for me to swallow because Nik Rudenko managed to give us all of these things on his own when he was doing the coding. Now suddenly money is required, at least that is what I am hearing. Sounds a lot like just more words, something I am sick of hearing from the BB team.

    Action is what is needed. Concentration on the core product, not templates, not tutorials, not words. Fix the core product. I haven’t even touched on the Android issues or optimization issues.

    I think users who agree to this rev share program based on promises from the BB team should be very wary. Promises are often times empty, especially from the BB team, this has been evident from past history. Being told that rev share is needed to fix bugs, add features, may be well intended but what happens when it’s just more of the same? Wouldn’t it make more sense to produce a bug free product prior to asking for rev share? Trusting BB to do the right thing with rev share funds is a huge leap of faith that I personally believe will be something that will jump up and bite the BB team in the very near future.
    ShinHS likes this.
  10. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Lol so true. Buildbox classic is the same bb2 as it was in 2018 .Zero bug fixes and improvements . They need revenue share to fix the f-ing jump button . Give me a break buildbox with your stupid lies that only kids and low IQ people will believe.
  11. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I am sure that the team is so involved that many problems would have been fixed long ago if it were possible. Unfortunately, the limitations have been known for a long time, especially when it comes to B2. Perhaps replacing the engine will create more possibilities and make everything more stable.
  12. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    This proves my point. Some of you mention "why should we pay more for a product that crashes games" and THIS PLAN helps work to solve that. If we want BB games to not have issues, this is the route to take. That's the whole reason they did this. To increase funding so development can be better. Development costs money, period. At their current income, it's enough to pay employees and some ads. The bills. This is why BB seems to have sat still for awhile. More money means faster fixes. Faster new feats.

    I can't speak of details but what I seen when they hired that company to work on UI stuff...was amazing. I hope they still plan to implement it all. Was perfect what thise guys were making for BB. Now imagine they make more money and can do this regularly? Hire new talent at BB headquarters to amp BB up. Maybe be able to afford a dedicated team just for bug fixing. I want that to happen.

    This new plan beats just raising the price of BB as well. Means all of us don't have to save up heaps of money just to make money with BB. I had to sell some of my kids belongings. Just to pay for pro. I dont want to have to do that ever again.

    I often used to compare BB to Unity or Unreal and how those softwares do things. Used to say "BB should emulate how they do it" and to a point, they are now. They arent as big as those guys so they can't just say "100k threshold" or 1 million like unreal has. That only works once you're huge like them. The 10% thing before wasnt a bad idea it was just too much. This new plan is the equivalent of them saying they will only take 1%.

    I get it, I too used to say they shouldnt take anything but my sub money. But that's what they have been doing this entire time and look, BB hasn't been able to evolve. Then we complain about bugs. This fixes all of that.

    JZ told me not long ago that of course you will always have nay sayers. No matter what plan they offer. If any of you follow me on Twitter you will know that I dont back down. I battled BB hard. I'm not some fool whi just because you're the boss or I like your product, that I'll just agree with you. I'll tell you you're acting stupid if you're acting stupid. JZ could show you a ten mile long DM of me and him talking back and forth and me punching his head over and over. Now, this doesn't mean the last plan wouldn't have worked. Even tho we all didnt like it, it still might have worked fine. But even tho they didn't have to, they decided to listen and came up with an alternative plan. One that barely takes anything from our revenue. And NONE from our custom ads.

    What more can they do? We all want BB to be better but then block the road when they try to pass. I'm tired of doing that. If we all had our perfect wish, we would have BB free at 50/50 (or 70 us and 30 them. And pro wouldnt very touched or no forced adbox ads. That would be great....for us only. BB would then spiral down into the abyss. If BB went away, I'd probably give up game design. I just don't have it in me to learn something new. Most of you arent like that but I am.

    No doubt JZ wants everyone to tell him if hes making a mistake. This is all ome big experiment to see what's best for BB future and the community. Like a president of America who thinks they are doing good but cant really know until they try. There is no perfect answer here. Experimenting is the o ly way and i think this new plan will succeed.

    So continue to ask questions. Continue to raise issue with X or Y. This is how we solve them. This is why i love the BB community. We don't back down over something we love. But I feel BB is about to launch into the future at light speed now. And I want to be on that train when it does.
    Sean Buildbox likes this.
  13. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Apponboard is not just BB. The fact that they generated a profit of 20 million does not mean that BB is making money. And that may be worrying. If BB was earning well, the previous owner would not have sold it. It's logical. If you have investors, you must show the results. That's how it works. So……
    AppNasty likes this.
  14. Hussamhay

    Hussamhay Boxer

    Apr 7, 2021
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    We'll leave Build Box and go to Construct 3 :)
  15. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Exactly. Thats why this is a good move. They already said they weren't making a profit. This changes that. We can finally get those changes we want.
    Sean Buildbox likes this.
  16. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    We already pay to use broken software. Now we have to pay again to get it fixed, according to your logic. And we are putting our trust in the BB team to fix it with the extra money we now have to pay. This is just totally illogical.

    Fix the core first. We already pay for it and it should already be fixed. This is what bothers me about the rev share. I don’t have any issue doing rev share IF you fix the core software that I already pay for first. However, making me promises IF I pay the rev share is just ridiculous. Why would I trust them to fix the core now when they haven’t been able to fix it all this time? According to your logic they need the funds to fix what we have been paying for all this time, which should already be fixed. Sorry, that makes no sense.
    If the core software was bug free I don’t think people would be complaining about the rev share. It’s the principal of this, pay again and we promise we will fix it. Promises are just words.
    This is the exact reason I believe this plan will be a bust. You think people are complaining now about buggy software, watch what happens when the bugs remain and we are paying twice. People will be even more upset. Fix the core and people are not going to be as loud.
    Trying to convince anyone that BB’s promises should now be valid and we should not worry is crazy, especially since you have been a long term user here just like me and you should know better. Very misleading in my opinion.
    The rev share is nothing in my opinion, BB won’t make squat from it. These games are not grossing much money, which is why it is a silly proposition to begin with. I am not unhappy about the rev share, I am unhappy that it is being implemented and discussed before the core software, which we all pay for, has not been fixed and I am hearing ridiculous excuses for it not being fixed.
    I wonder if I will be reminding you about this promise in another 6 months and again in a year when it is still not fixed.
    Sorry, but I can’t get behind any of this until the core software is fixed. Asking me to pay again so you can fix the software that I already pay for is insane and unheard of in this industry.
    33Shox, volcank, Andy P and 2 others like this.
  17. Rattlehead

    Rattlehead Boxer

    Dec 27, 2017
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    I agree. For those that have been around since the early days have paid for a product that was expected to have a reliable core set of features. I still haven't heard a single word as to what is happening with the products that were included in the Master Collection. There were some initial releases and then they essentially became vaporware. It feels like it amounted to little more than a fundraising scheme to buy the development team time to hopefully get it over the finish line... which it hasn't.

    Each time there is a change to how Buildbox does business, it feels like instead of being in a position where I want to invest more time and money into it, the game changes and never to the benefit to those that continue to follow Buildbox. I'm of the mindset that revenue sharing is fine in an established product, but I think Buildbox has a ways before it is in that sort of position.
  18. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    If magic existed, then they could split rev from free version and not touch pro users. Oh wait, thats EXACTLY what they did. Pro users are back to how it was before. The ONLY thing they did was give you MORE money. When your ads fail as they often do, you make NOTHING. They placed a security measure that ensures you DO make money during ads down time. They literally are GIVING you money.
    Sean Buildbox likes this.
  19. Jaro

    Jaro Avid Boxer

    Sep 21, 2018
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    For me, the most annoying is the form in which these changes are taking place. Because it looks like this: you pay for subscriptions and you have a creation platform. We know that it has bugs and we will be happy to fix them, but you have to pay for it.
  20. 33Shox

    33Shox Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Do you expect morals from a company that constantly lie and only a few weeks ago they intentionally hidden the %70 rev share under the "default" label now they pretend they are the good guys and they "listened"
    kipasgajah likes this.

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