Why Don't We Help Each Other Make Hits?

Discussion in 'Game Marketing' started by andreas_kviby, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. andreas_kviby

    andreas_kviby Avid Boxer

    Feb 5, 2016
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    We are a small game studio in Sweden and we as many others have a hard time spreading our games in social media and making them climb on toplists.

    So why don't we get together and just help each other here, all people building games with Buildbox should help each other out. We should download our games and rate them so we all can make some more money and continue our dream of living on creating games.

    So, that said! We created Switch which is in App store now, you download it and you write the App Store address of your game here and we will download it and review it. By doing this we can all prosper on helping each other out in the huge pile of games competing of fame in the App Store.


    So come on Buildbox Boxers! Let's get together and help each other out making thousands of downloads together. We will post your game on our Twitter, Facebook and all other media available.
    tarasgasparin and Kadri246 like this.
  2. playsgames6666

    playsgames6666 Miniboss Boxer

    Nov 13, 2015
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    Its a great idea.
    I personally have downloaded and played every game that has been shared on the forum.
    And I'm sure most of the forum users do as well.
    If it is a great game i always leave review. But if its not to good i don't waste my time, LOL
    andreas_kviby likes this.
  3. andreas_kviby

    andreas_kviby Avid Boxer

    Feb 5, 2016
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    I think we must do it more organized then because even if you and I download all the games not all are because then every game should have n downloads the same day it is shared on the forums. How can we organize this? I am surprised that @TreySmith and 8cell doesn't offer some kind of publishing deal for developers.
  4. heathclose

    heathclose Miniboss Boxer

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Buildbox publishing did exist once upon a time, but was put on the back burner to concentrate on bb2... maybe it will rise from the ashes again one day
    andreas_kviby likes this.
  5. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I would simply use the exisiting platforms. Facebook groups and other more professional sites or services. Also, reviews can help you get downloads, but will not change a thing if the game is failing otherwise. It is just one more element in the huge puzzle that is marketing your game.

    Update: Thinking about it, a group PM could work out pretty good. The members who are part of this group, review the games from the other members. All members in this group can post a link to their new games and voilá. Automatically they get the reviews and initial downloads. + being a PM group it would be kept private which is also good. We could even upload a screenshot as prove if necessary. Doesn't sound bad and would give us additional reviews. Now the question is, do I want a review from France or from India? Or do we actually all want reviews from the US?
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    andreas_kviby likes this.
  6. InanG

    InanG Boxer

    Jul 7, 2016
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    This is really inspirational. I love the enthusiasm and as a community it is really supportive. Build Box's forum has helped my game succeed too on the development side. Even though I'm currently looking for ways to market my game or find publishers haha.

    Two successful developed build box games -
    1. Bubble world (Live)

    2. Too Icy

    Hope you all support each other as always and let me know if anything comes up for me on the publishing side too, aka publishers. haha,

    Thanks !
  7. trygii

    trygii Avid Boxer

    Oct 14, 2015
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    @Christoph A review in the French App store is good to get French downloads, same goes for the Indian App Store.

    I can see in Facebook groups that the devs just share their own games, but doesn't download any other game from other devs. This could be fixed by simply showing your App Store's name of the review as a proof. No reviews = out of group. Of course, at least 1 or 2 warnings must be given, or something like that.

    I'm not going to waste my time for just a couple of reviews, must be atleast 20+ reviews to get me in :p What do you think Chris, and others?
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  8. ASOtop1

    ASOtop1 Boxer

    Jul 18, 2016
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    Publishers should help each other to promote apps. It is called cross promotion.

    Exchange installs & reviews

    There are some groups on forums like this one where publishers can exchange installs and reviews each other. However, generating installs or reviews from users will take much longer time. As it is hard to find so many publishers like you, and they may not do same for your even you install and rate their apps.

    Social media networks

    It is powerful. Having a Facebook Page for your app is a must-have where you can ask them to install and review your app, how they like your app designs and features and any get feedbacks. Also, you can share any news about your app, etc. However, remember not to make your posts only about your app, though. That is boring. It's like talking to someone at a party who only talks about themselves.

    If you are interested in paid methods, please reply here.
  9. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I would be cool with 10+ members. But I insist, I'm not really interested in the French Appstore. What we all want are US downloads. An ad provided to a French player is not as valuable as one provided to an US player. So the more reviews we can get in the US Appstore the better. That's probably why it won't work in the end after all. :(
  10. andreas_kviby

    andreas_kviby Avid Boxer

    Feb 5, 2016
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    So what would happen if all got together and created a marketing ad campaign network of our own where all our games is in the loop? We just released our second game. I love the PM idea.

    Check out our new game and tell your friends to download it. Help us reach 1000 downloads first day in Appstore https://appsto.re/se/fi22db.i
  11. calmackay79

    calmackay79 Boxer

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Reviews are usually bundled into countries of accounts. You would need to arrange groupings of peoples countries of 5+ people to effectively show results (No reviews show until over 5 are made)
    For example - you would need to set up a forum based group for a country where people from say - USA could congregate and review apps, and another forum for say - Australians to do the same. It could work, but sounds painful to arrange, and how to you hold people to their obligations after you have liked theirs?

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