A few weeks ago, somewhere (I'm 99% sure it was in a BB3 forum post), someone, provided a link to their game (in Apple App store), "Infinite Pool." It illudes the search feature, somehow. Who was it? Anyone know? "Kiseki Games" ? I just wanted to give this person big props. The last thing I was looking for was another game to play, but I play this game every day. I recommend others to play this game to see what he/she/they did with the "levels" and challenges to make it fun. https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/infinite-pool/id1371482018#?platform=ipad @DanFarfan
Wow. It's looking cool. Did you mean this done in BB3? But I don't think the purchase feature is possible with the current beta.
Oh, I don't know anything about how it was made. Yes, I'm impressed by the graphics. The other feature that I think takes BB3 off the table (so to speak) is (what I call) persistent store. The game software remembers inventory and state information about progress and such. I think Nic or Trey mentioned inventory is targeted for BB3.beta4. I'm anxious for this feature, but read-write access to storage on the mobile device is one feature that will really empower us to use BB3 to make games that light up the app stores. After all, we are working in Javascript. JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() are bread and butter. @DanFarfan