Looking for BB3 tutorials that explain the process of actually getting something working. The email I received Step-by-step onboarding tutorial added! Helps you easily get familiarized with the tools available and also how to create your first game. Where is this ?
I asked for this same information and was directed to a few of their promotional videos by Niko in support. Not what I was asking for. Maybe the release should have delayed a few months. Well, I hope they get all the BB3-related issues resolved soon. We’ll see.
No documentation I’m aware of. The onboarding tutorial is shown when you first star BB but it is very basic and not documentation
You all need to put your nerves in deep freezer we will need to wait a Long Time before we see a working release years maybe that’s why they changed the licence from monthly to yearly hhh... it was predicted a way ago as the same thing happened with bb 1.0 and bb 2.0, and thank to them my prediction wasn’t wrong, I wish if it was.
I really wanted this program to succeed, but it's looking more and more like it's going to take another years at least to get where they promised. There's no use putting out tutorials if it doesn't work or it keeps changing. They just need to focus on getting the job done and not make any more promises they can't keep. They need to keep working on BB2 to keep the money coming in or they won't have the finances to finish BB3, they are in a tough place at the moment and I hope they get through it. Or we will have to go to coding again. Hang in there guys I know it's not easy !
I use Game Maker Studio but liked the 3D idea. Software is only as good as the documentation. It needs working examples with actual game logic. Real shame pushing out software with docs to a totally different product is a joke.