Using only Heyzap for interstitial ads

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by energizerlithium, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. energizerlithium

    energizerlithium Avid Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Hey guys sorry if this has been answered, I couldn't find the answer through search, but if I wanted to use Heyzap ads without mediation and on my game for interstitial ads, I'd just have to ad the publisher ID into the BB settings without configuring xcode export or android export right?
    I understand for mediation you'd have to configure each company SDK seperately in xcode

    If its easily possible to simply show interstital ads without SDK, then would i just select "show interstitial" on gameover? There arent seperate IDs for banner ads and interstital ads correct?

    Thanks guys
  2. Aaron F

    Aaron F Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I wouldn't suggest you do this but yes you just need the pub ID.

    Trick: You can add the SDKs by selecting the network you want on scenes you don't use. For example (Coin Shop) Set the interstitial to Chartboost and Banner to Facebook. BB will include the SDKs automatically on export and you can then add these to Heyzap mediation in your dashboard.
  3. energizerlithium

    energizerlithium Avid Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Hey Aaron thanks for the tip man, but why is it not recommended to use HeyZap interstitials without mediation? I understand the fill rate will be lower, is that the reason?

    Actually I was going through a publisher and he controls the Dashboard, so I wouldn't be able to configure the details in his dashboard( and I don't think he's technical, just told me to add HeyZap as interstitals on gameover)
  4. energizerlithium

    energizerlithium Avid Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Sorry for the double reply, but to get mediation correctly implimented I'd:

    1) just ad the ad codes to the ads settings in BB
    2) Enable the desired ad companies in DISABLED screens like info/shop etc
    3) Enable HeyZap interstital in gameover

    I believe my pub already configured the accounts in his HeyZap Dashboard since he gave me all the ad codes for different companies.

    Would that be all that's needed to get mediation working correctly on the gameover screen for interstital ads? Nothing in xcode after this?
  5. Aaron F

    Aaron F Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Yes, except you don't need any additional ad IDs other than Heyzap. This is done in the Heyzap dashboard

    I just wouldn't recommend to not include any additional ad networks with Heyzap. The fill rate and eCPM will be lower and if you're using mediation then why not take advantage of it and increase your monetization.
    energizerlithium likes this.
  6. energizerlithium

    energizerlithium Avid Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Yea man totally understand that's why I'm trying to add mediation, but still a little confused bud I hope I'm not bothering you here!

    1)I just enabled HeyZap for gameover
    2) Added the ad ids in ads settings in BB for all companies

    Now when I export the file over to xcode BB gives the message that I shouldn't setup the HeyZap ads in BB ( I think it's about the interstital ad interval?)

    What about adding the HeyZap SDK in frameworks, is that not nessessary Aaron? Or will the ads be automatically detected since BB has the SDK built in? Will the export also auto detect all the add companies's codes since I enabled them on disabled screens?

    Would the export auto detect Heyzap's SDK (without me manually installing it), and what about setting up the interval for ads appearing on gameover?

    Thanks alot here eh I've really gotten clear about this whole dilemma of mediation thanks to you
  7. Aaron F

    Aaron F Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Ok sorry. So all you need to do is...

    1) Enable Heyzap for GameOVer
    2) Place your Heyzap Pub ID in the Advertisement settings ( you only need Heyzap unless you use something else for banners)
    2) Enable other networks on scenes you do not use

    Export and ignore the Heyzap warning

    BB automatically includes the AD frameworks including Heyzap that you have enabled on the scenes. This way you don't need to manually add the SDKs. This only works for networks that are included with BB so Unity Ads and AdColony won't work this way.

    Hope this makes sense.

    You can test it quickly by running Xcode on your phone and dying to produce an ad. Heyzap should show up.
  8. energizerlithium

    energizerlithium Avid Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Aaron thanks a bunch:) I think I finally got it working:) I appreciate you taking the time to help me out man really appreciate your help bud:)
    Aaron F likes this.
  9. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    @Aaron F That is absolute gold, I never even thought of doing it that way!
    Aaron F and Simon Crack like this.
  10. Simon Crack

    Simon Crack Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Awesome tip man!
    Aaron F likes this.
  11. ramiucef

    ramiucef Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    very usefull trick :) Thanks .

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