BUILDBOX WITH APPODEAL MEDIATION Video Rewards / Interstitials / Banner Ads Last updated: March 2nd, 2018 Note: *** Subscribe to this thread to get notification each time I update this post. *** To use Appodeal Mediation follow the corresponding guide depending on what version of Buildbox you use. All the guides use the latest Appodeal SDK (v2.1.7 at the time of this post). Download: iOS (Xcode+BB2.3.3 or later) Android (Android Studio+BB2.3.3 or later) Note: If something is not clear in the guides let me know. Have any questions? Reply to this thread. If someone has experience with Appodeal I'd love to hear what you think about it. And do you have any tips on how to use them, please share your knowledge. If you research them a little more, check out as well their blog which has a lot of useful information: Hope this is useful. Cheers! Changelog: February 19th, 2018: v1 Initial release! February 20th, 2018: v1-1 changes to the Adcolony SDK aar file February 27th, 2018: iOS changed to PDF v2 as well as to the PTAdHeyzap.a file March 2nd, 2018: Added Eclipse guide v1 for Buildbox 2.2.9 March 7th, 2018: Got rid of the guides for 2.2.9. Apparently it does only work with BB 2.2.3 and later, sorry! WHY I DECIDED TO USE APPODEAL (Expand the quote please to get some background information)
Really awesome Christoph! Finally I will be able to update to 2.3.3. I've been using Appodeal for the last two years, I like their dashboard and instant Paypal payments, their support is also very efficient. It would be great if BB team implement Appodeal as a native ad network.
Nice one, @Christoph . @AstrologicMedia In the semi-somewhat-near-future, we'll have an API that can connect any Advertiser/Mediator to BB.
Yeah. And really the best part is that it’s easier to setup than Heyzap itself. I’m excited to use them instead of Heyzap.
@Christoph is "mmedia.aar" missed? there were two aar files, if I'm not mistaken, adcolony and mmedia And it seems this way of Appodeal integration leads to more crashes on android. This is sad side of this method.
I have to check this with Appodeal directly. They provided the files so maybe in this newer version of 2.1.7 mmedia.aar is not needed anymore. Will get back to you as soon as I have a reply. PS: I haven't had any crashes until now.
@Christoph Yep, probably in newer version it does not need mmedia. For 2.1.4 I had these things to integrate: By crashes I mean the game is not even started. So, as I understand you won't see these cases in crashes report. I remember people could not even start the game on some devices while without Appodeal integration using this method they could.
Ok. Here the official reply: The mmedia is an optional library, and needed only in case user have millenial/AOL account to connect it to Appodeal. If you don't have any AOL/Mmedial accounts then ignore it. It’s just a network and not needed.
@justforward: I got also a clarification on behalf of the crashes you mention. The problem is the Adcolony aar file. This file has included 5 architectures but Buildbox only supports 3 of them. So if you have for example adcolony arm-v8a libraries in your apk, but no libs for bb player, the phone with 64bit arm processor will look only for arm-v8a folder and obviously it would be unable to start the app without the main library. I'm glad that you mentioned this @justforward. The Zip file to download was updated now by Appodeal (it's the same link included in the PDF) so the Adcolony file only includes the supported 3 architectures now. I also added a changelog to the first post so everybody can see right away if there has been anything updated. Please download the files once again (from the same link) so it doesn't crash the affected devices.
@Christoph Does the same process for Xcode v8.x? As buildbox v2.2.9 not officially support Xcode v9..
Yeah, sure. Shouldn't be any difference. If you set it up can you report back if it works or not? The more testing people the better.
I just updated the iOS guide to version 2. Changes include: 1. additional step 8 and 9 added to allow needed Calendar Usage in the info.plist file (this is need to upload your game to iTunesConnect). 2. PTAdHeyzap.a file was updated so the music of your game now pauses correctly when a video ad is shown. Please download the ZIP file again (same link from the PDF applies). Feedback as always welcome. Cheers and thanks for all the participation.
Oh. I meant without using Appodeal. I really would like to get Chartboost rewarded videos working, as I publish mostly on Amazon, and Chartboost are the only ones who support Amazon and give me crazy rates!
So I don't understand your question. This is not about Chartboost. This is about Appodeal Mediation. You are probably in the wrong thread mate. But having said that, Appodeal mediation works with Amazon and uses different Amazon providers like Chartboost, Amazon Ads, etc. that use exclusively ads for this specific platform so you don't advertise games for Google Play. It might work very well for your games over there. It's worth a shot.