Hi, It seems that integration Google Analytics after the build is not quite easy. Is there any way to track analytics of buildbox with another tool? How do you guys track your analytics? Thanks. Arman
I'm sure there are but the ones who do normally are not willing to share their knowledge. I'd like to know the answer too, so I'll be watching this thread. Interesting post that can help you integrate google analytics if you understand all steps: https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/google-analytics.1395/#post-13415
Yes, the trick is to use custom interstitial ads and integrate your analytics there... If you do not know how to do it it is better to hire a developer to do so.
It feels like there is so much missing from the tutorials. It sucks that there are so few resources for this software, and the admins seem to be absent from the forums. Shouldn't they be here to chime in?
If i got it work, I won't hesitant to share the tips to do it right. Still, I hope many users will start sharing tutorials or at least some more clear tips for how achieving, I'm not rest for how you encouraged to buy templates than to understand how to make it. I believe, Better for BB Staff to make some rewards or something for the most helpful tutorials threads, Just encouraging the communities to share useful tips.
@ArmanEker @Qdeveloper @Kyo i have implemented analytics in my game using custom interstitial trick and it went fine. @trudnai i'm waiting for your game when you are going to amaze us?
Thanks, But I'm still praying for someone to answer my questions edit: sorry i meant my post in different thread: https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/google-analytics.1395/#post-24061
Thank you, Basically, I'm trying to follow this steps from @Gregory Storm : https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/google-analytics.1395/#post-13415 And my problem simply, I didn't find AppDelegate.mm but AppController.mm instead when i open my exported iOS BB game. I'm still having no clue where i supposed to add my analytic id codes ? I'm using BB 2.1.0
@Qdeveloper follow this guide https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ios/v3/#get-config and use appController.mm for implementation
@ArmanEker Hi buddy, haven't you tried out flurry analytics to track your game? I would suggest you, to do it as it is much more simpler to track analytics in BB game. Just give it a try
What are you tracking? How many people open your app or are there also other metrices you can track? Thanks.
Hi @Taimoor Javaid I'm following the link Guide you posted. 1- I created Podfile and I have installed GoogleAnalytics via cocopods, I'm working on the .xcworkspace now. 2- I have dragged GoogleService-Info.plist into xcode project root. 3- I have added #import <Google/Analytics.h> to the AppController.mm Now, I have reached this step Basically, Which codes i need to overwrite in the AppController.mm because it's totally different than AppDelagate.mm in your guide link!? Looking forward for your help
This one is ~6 lines beneath the last #import tag. It also appears in my Heyzap tutorial. At the exact same spot you have to set up the Heyzap ID and the test mode. Just search for this line didFinishLaunchingWithOptions A quick question you definitely can help me with: How does the Podfile/cocopods thing work? I really would appreciate if you can explain this to me step by step because there I always fail. I just don't understand this.
I'm aware of this, But not sure when it start and when it's end, so I can overwrite it as in the link. First make sure you have installed cocopods https://cocoapods.org/ Than, All i do i put my game folder in the mac desktop, than when you launch mac Terminal type the following: cd Desktop then cd YourGameFolder then cd ios Than create the correct Podfile by typing this: pod init After that, Type this to open the Podfile: open Podfile you will see the following, Notice i have uncomment the Platform: Close and back to Terminal, And type this: pod install Than, it's supposed to start installing and also you will have .xcworkspace in your project folder, Inside the ios. i hope this helped.