Just saw your reply. I'm glad it helped and you are very welcome. Delta is the option you click to let the animation, position, or scale nodes know that the object will be following instructions from where its at (basically working from its location like its at X0, Y0, Z0). Unchecking delta will move, or scale your object according to it's actual size or location. If your object is sitting at 0x, 2y, 0z and you use the position animation node to raise the character 5 in the Y direction: Delta on will move it up 5 units from the location that the object is placed (0x, 7y, 0z) Delta off will move the object up to Y5 position since it is moving it to the actual coordinates of the scene. (0x, 5y, 0z) So for instance if your character is flying across the middle of thescreen and you want it to raise 3 units in the Y direction when it collides with an enemy: using delta on will raise the character 3 units above where the player is and using delta off would move the player to the 3Y location in the scene
Thank you so much, is there an easy way you can tell me how to do this. Making a game for my daughter, basically how to make the assets hit there shadow and stick, and when there all complete move on to the next scene, or world etc. Thats why i asked hot to make an assets return to there regular position.