Team Buildbox Changed Yet Again On Their Software After Subscription Purchase!!!

Discussion in 'Buildbox 3.0' started by DrWho, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I noticed that Team BuildBox has a Summer Sale going on with a 30% discount to gain more customers / Subscribers. after seeing this after I received an email from them today I suddenly remembered back in march earlier this year that Team BuildBox also had a Spring Sale 2020 going on as well with a 30% discount then too! So I remembered back during that time and what was currently avilable on the current Plan's then and the features available per Plan that I thought it was a very good deal and bought me a annual subscription to the Plus Plan. Well... Just watch the video below and it will explain everything and why! Thanks, and God Bless to everyone.. ;)

  2. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    It would of been nice if some sort of rebate was given back after the BuildBox team had taken away the 'Unlimited Scenes' feature from the 'Plus Plan' just after 2 months and 9 days of my annual subscription that I paid for back in march on the 22nd of this year and then suddenly changing it from 5-Worlds | Unlimited Scenes to 5-Worlds | 15 scenes !! I fealt cheated by the company and thought that it was wrong to take away something that you already paid for and give you something less than what you originally paid for!! The other competitors do not do this with their respective softwares towards their customers.. Why does 8Cell / AppOnBoard do this with their customers then? It's not fair nor right at all in my honest opinion! :mad:
  3. Robert Greenberg

    Robert Greenberg Boxer

    Jul 17, 2018
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    I had a similar situation and I just wrote to them. They fixed my subscription so I had 5 worlds and unlimited scenes and splash screen access
    Josh (Nology Games) likes this.
  4. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Well they haven't done that for me. At least not yet, and it's going on 6 months now since I paid them for a full 1 year annual subscription during the Spring sale 2020!! The only reason I had made the plung and jumped on and bought an annual subscription was because then it was a great deal at a great price point. And I had planned on being a regular subscriber also ongoing from that point forward! I have always had issues / problems it seems with BuildBox in this area all the time.. It is always this or that and can never really enjoy and use the software for what it was intended for because of all the constant changes and pulling my leg all the time! Very frustrating as a customer especially a new customer at that too! :mad:

    Also, everytime I do get an answer from BuildBox, I always seem to either get 'Miko' or 'Sean' which always give me very 'Vague' answers to my questions and comments and never ever really get a direct answer to my questions and always leaving me in the dark with nothing answered.. Very frustrating always!!
  5. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Hello, we do apologise for the inconvenience that occurred. Have you sent an email about this to If not, we are always happy to get feedback on and changes and updates.
  6. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Yes I have sent in an email on this issue but have not gotten a reply back yet for this problem! It would be nice if support at Buildbox could also assist and help me as they did for @Robert Greenberg on this same issue. as stated in my video above.. I had bought an Annual Subscription during the Spring Sale 2020 because for the feature set during that time and what was offered it was a good deal for me and so I made the purchase.. Then after 2 month 9 days with an Update to BuildBox they took away some features that I had paid for prior and made it less! During the Spring sale 2020 the features I was interested in had then 5-Worlds & 'Unlimited Scenes! After June 1st, 2020 with the Update it became 5-Worlds & 15 Scenes taking away what I originally paid for prior to the update! This was to me very unfair and I felt cheated out of my money because they gave me something less than what I paid for! And to note also that other competitor companies similar that makes game making products do not do this with their customers and lessen the software and give them less features for what they originally paid for. Updates should always be about fixing problems or adding to the software for their customers in question. Not removing or taking away from the software giving the customer less than what they paid for on it. Doing this kind of stuff will only irritate and upset your customers and make them want to move over to another platform and/or company that offers something better without those kind of headaches! It would also be nice if support at BuildBox would re-credit me on the months lost that I didn't get to use my Plus Plan because of this anyways.. Just my thoughts and opinions on this matter.
  7. Sean Buildbox

    Sean Buildbox Serious Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    If you paid for permissions you will certainly get them, no one is trying to take away any permissions you already purchased. Will DM you since we cannot discuss Billing issues in public.
    spicedbeangames likes this.
  8. DrWho

    DrWho Avid Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    That is good to know sean.. Didn't realize that there was a permissions file kept for such situations like this. It would of been helpful though to know this information in writing up front so this wouldn't of got dragged out to this degree like this. So from my understanding then on this.. If someone purchases a subscription plan and the plan has a certain set of features and functions available during that said sale.. Then once purchased the current features/functions are written in a permissions file for that user/customer in question and then should anything change later on that customer will not lose what they paid for?! If that is the case then that is great to know indeed! However though.. It's still not a good practice to take away from the software and make it less than what it was once prior. Most updates are suppose to fix and/or add to the software in question, not take away from it after an update is applied!

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