Solved - Time Bar Timberman Style

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by Benfont, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Benfont

    Benfont Avid Boxer

    Sep 27, 2016
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    Today I saw this post: created by @manojbagri199 asking how to create a time bar like the game Timberman has, and after doing some thinking I found a way of doing it, so I decided to share it here.
    Note: If this has been posted already I apologize. I have gone through the forum and could not find anything similar.

    On Timberman, the timer is set up to constantly decrease (bar moving to the left) and to increase a little bit every time the phone is tapped (bar moving to the right)


    So I recorded this video to show you how I achieved it (I did not want to type that much and put all the screenshots, so I thought a video would be faster)

    BBDOC + Font I created:

    Create your own font:

    Many thanks to:
    1) @heathclose for sharing the timer trick on the MYOG series

    2) @VectologyGames for finding out that fonts could be used as bars (amazing discovery in my opinion) -

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