Hi everyone, Buildbox made my dream come true! i always wanted to build a game, but with all the limitation i have in me, its always stay as a dream that will never come true. Until one day i saw a post on Trey Smith facebook, he's awesome, team Buildbox's awesome, long story shorts, Here is my 1st game using Buildbox 1 for trial, https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1139009369524218 RunNekoRun https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PepijunStudio.RunNekoRun&hl=en on apple app store https://itunes.apple.com/my/app/runnekorun/id1114891836?mt=8 Hope everyone can take a look at it, Thank you everyone! -i will start saving to subscribe or buy Buildbox, this is my 1st step, Buildbox awesome!!!!!
love the graphics. Any chance of an iOS version? Ups, I just read your comment. Do you have a trailer? Would love to see the gameplay.
@mikafabz Thank you! @Christoph Thank you ,oh i will try to create a trailer soon. @arsidalijaj Thank you!
Hi everyone, Here is my game on apple app store RunNekoRun https://itunes.apple.com/my/app/runnekorun/id1114891836?mt=8