Risky Rooms

Discussion in 'Game Showcase' started by bmsingha, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @trudnai Yeah we have already sued the one behind this for not disclosing the real fact. Ofcourse it won't be good enough to mention over here publicly what we want to do with him/her as per our management reports to do. But yeah we already took certain steps in that direction before anyone can think of it. And also we have already accepted the fault on our end.

    And one more thing is that the main guy behind this that wants to claim the original title, we tried to contact already but yeah no one has responded. So we tried everything from our end
  2. sysads

    sysads Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hey just noticed the whole drama unfolding here. If you can't get through to the original owner of the game idea, best you can do is take it offline first, change the game play a little by adding something unique to each levels including graphics changes and publish back. That way you have rights to the game name which is already trending else other hungry developers would steal the name.

    If we all are to vet every single game in the app store, over 70% would have some copyright violation but we don't see this because they are not FEATURED. Yours got featured, that's why you are going through this. If it wasn't featured, even the owner would care less and probably laugh at you.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
    Christoph and Ishamahes like this.
  3. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @sysads Superb man liked your comment - If we all are to vet every single game in the app store, over 70% would have some copyright violation but we don't see this because they are not FEATURED. Yours got featured, that's why you are going through this. If it wasn't featured, even the owner would case less and probably laugh at you.
  4. Chris Goodman

    Chris Goodman Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    @bmsingha every game out there is a variation of game already done, my game apex was modeled from phases i dressed it up and added my own spin, i think you took an idea and made it better in my opinoin, its a shame its spiralled out of controls the fact is, apple featured it because you made it look good, so keep it up i would still see this as as a win, just make sure you dont step on anyones toes next time, ive seen quite o a few of buildbox games that have been featured that have been ripped from other games, which is fine in my opionion if you make it better which you have so move foraward to the next one
    Christoph and playsgames6666 like this.
  5. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @Chris Goodman Great, so you are the one who dares to speak the truth man, hats off and bow to you :)
  6. sysads

    sysads Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Before we crusify this guy, lets not forget that Flappy Bird, 2048 etc where cloned (I repeat CLONED) by some of the top publishers today. Its just a shame that your own publisher could not come to your rescue :(

    Is the original game published in any store?
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  7. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Thanks sysads and Chris for joining in with your opinion. I thought I was the only one thinking like that. I rather find it hypocritical to say all this negative things which I really didn't agree with from the beginning. I already started to feel bad to think like that and to say it in public (I felt alone). It seems to be a taboo but everybody is doing it. Even the big ones and the very pros. Yes, even our very own Buildbox users that had success in the past and nobody said nothing. Why is everybody upset in this case? This is just how the industry works and I think it is a good thing because it makes the games better each time. We are a community and we should stick together and help each other. Even in cases like that we need the support from our fellow boxers.

    Being said that, I really don't think there is a copyright issue and Apple will not do anything to take the game down. Taking in consideration the facts, I still think it would be best to negotiate something with the original developer or as sysad said, change the design to make it look different enough. It probably was an error to only change the level design, but keep the original art almost intact. An error which can be corrected. No need to be rude with bmsingha.
  8. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @sysads @Christoph So mates you guys too are cleared with the reality :)That is something great. For us, yeah as we already apologised no of times, that this wasn't intentionalally done and we have been apologised to my forum mates and our publisher as well. We never wanted to disturb the repo of our publisher as yes they are renowed but to our luck things did went in wrong way. we already have taken steps against the one member of the company that was originally behind this idea. At the same time, @sysads , don't think so game would be there on App Store
  9. trygii

    trygii Avid Boxer

    Oct 14, 2015
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    @bmsingha Sue your employee for what? I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure Risky Rooms does not infringe any copyright. You cannot copyright a gameplay..
  10. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @trygii It is something that is forced to be done
  11. trudnai

    trudnai Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Guys do not forget that getting idea from other games and remodelling them, making them better are not like cloning - aka keeping original art work and style and exact game mechanics and even almost identical game levels. There is a huge difference between the two! Sure enough, Flappy Birds was not an original and unique idea, there was iCopter to get the idea from, but still, those two are not identical in any ways. Game mechanics are, so the controls are very similar (although not exactly the same either).

    So I would say to save this title you would need to redo artwork and game levels as a minimum, maybe some changes on game mechanics and or control too.
  12. trygii

    trygii Avid Boxer

    Oct 14, 2015
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    But for what exactly are you suing him for?

    @trudnai Game mechanics/controls cannot be patented/copyrighted. The United States Copyright Office specifically notes: Copyright does not protect the idea for a game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it.

    If you made a game based on an existing game, but do not use any sounds, images, logos etc. of that existing game, then you should be fine.

    Again, I'm not a lawyer. This is not legal advice for you. You should hire an IP lawyer.

    Edit: Found this: http://www.copyright.gov/register/tx-games.html
  13. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    And it should be pretty difficult to protect a one color cube and a one color background... I mean this is not Mario or something that makes it a brand. So yeah, I also think there are no copyright issues there. The issue is rather a moral or ethic one.

    @trudnai: 2048 was copied 1:1 and there were no legal issues. This doesn't make it any better but again, this is how the industry works. And nobody has a problem nowadays to send there games to Ketchapp. It seems the Buildbox team has no issues either. Risky Rooms got featured in their newsletter. Damn Daniel did too. It's just something people from the industry do not speak out loudly. But it's there, everywhere.
    trygii likes this.
  14. Chris Goodman

    Chris Goodman Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Well if people think this crossed the line of copyright wait till you see my next one looool,
  15. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Need to take action or let's say sue just because we were unknown and later on came to know, doesn't mean will file case against him have done something that can make him/her twice remember
    Yeah we understand the controversial issue going on , as I said earlier and repeating back again and again that it wasn't any intentionally done, everything was behind the dark for a while and later on came to know as game was featured otherwise no one, even wouldn't have come to know, if such is the case of law then I thing so 70-80% of the store would be empty in coming days due to cloning idea, am I right? Then people would only be able to play only temple run as no subway surfers would br available as somewhere idea & concept is same like endless running , still we are not defending but just trying to answer the question that is asked. @Chris Goodman @trudnai @trygii @Christoph we are all fellow mates over here on BB:)
    Ishamahes likes this.
  16. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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  17. Taimoor Javaid

    Taimoor Javaid Avid Boxer

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Well i were aware that this game was 80-90% copy from the very first day this thread created i have played a similar game 4-5 months ago but i didn't mention it here as i forgot the name of that game and let me tell you one thing the game "Accelo alone" and the game i played few months ago are both same so need to know who is the original developer of this idea. i have played that game here http://armorgames.com/
  18. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @Taimoor Javaid It's now spread like a fire everywhere that it is similar to the original
  19. skhotoveli

    skhotoveli Boxer

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I have a question to you guys:
    If Ketchapp were to offer you a publishing contract you would most probably accept it and get really excited by the prospect of working with them right? But I am sure that all of you, or at least most of you know that they started by cloning 2048...
    So yes, 'risky rooms' is a copy (not a clone) of the original. And IMHO it is a better version of it, but the scrutiny and the criticism here got slightly out of hand. It's only the success of the game which really caused the big debate here.
    I understand the frustration of the developer of the original game, but in my opinion he should've acted faster and developed the game for a mobile platform himself, as it was bound to be copied sooner or later... so he can only blame himself for not trying to push his game harder.
  20. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @skhotoveli Oops man, you too are a clarified speaker. It really sounds interesting to hear the views of all different members, but very few like your comment and dare to say the real facts.Keep it up man

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