Hey Boxers, Does anybody know if it is possible to remove the Start scene? For what I know, you can't. But... Any alternative? I have two worlds. One is a copy of the other and has inherited the start scene. When a player starts playing, something funny happens. Two scenes are combined mixing up objects, actions, etc....transforming the game field into a messy world! Thanks.
Hey @trudnai, Thanks for it. That worked Getting a ride on this topic, when a scene ends and the next remains the same, then after this, you have a new scene coming. Like this: START Scene 1 Scene 1 -> Why the same scene is repeated? Scene 2 All my scenes are aligned. Thanks all.
It is repeated because probably you did the align scene before changing the Start scene size change so the scene 1 ends at a much later distance. You can check the scene distances on the right hand side right after selecting the scene on the bottom. Or just do the alignment again. Btw you have to do the scene aligning for every single worlds you have...