I am having a problem with the Draw template in which the character is passing through cubes and planes that I retrieved from the library. I want the objects to be recognized as solid objects. I don't have this problem with pyramids, cones, spheres, or cylinders. I tried modifying the character mesh and the cube object mesh, modifying the character group, and modifying the physics (static, dynamic, and kinematic). But I still have the same problem. Is there a setting in the character that I am missing? Or is there something wrong with the Draw template?
The checkmark solved one problem when objects are dynamic, but it left another one. I wanted to build an immovable fence around the play area, because the user could keep traveling until infinity on the x-z axis. When I set the cube object or plane object to static and use them as fences, the character still passed through them. I decided to use the walls object as the limiter since it is an enemy and will defeat the character to end game. Thus preventing the player from playing outside the boundaries.