Hi, Say in a gameplay with multiple identical characters on both side of screen along with a character bullet. The Character bullet from both characters shoots simultaneously on button press.At one point i want the character on one side (either right or left ) to shoot.ie either tapping on particular side.Is this possible to achieve?If so how?
Hi there, @TheGameAppStudio, If I understand you correctly, you want all characters on both sides to shoot most of the time and occasionally, just one side to shoot, is that correct? I'm sure you know how to achieve both control methods, but I can't think how to change one for the other. ~ So, one full screen shooting button in the UI will fire bullets from all on screen characters. ~ Two buttons, one covering only the left side and one covering right side in the UI can be set up to active bullets from either side. You are asking how to change from one to the other, right? It's difficult to work out without knowing any of the possible variable in your game, as you've provided little info about that, but I don't think you can do that in the same UI. If you know at a definitive point, or when something particular happens in your game, that you want the one-sided shooting event to happen, then you maybe able to achieve this by temporarily swapping UI's. If you use a logic piece to jump from full screen button UI to a left/right split screen button UI, you could make this happen. the user would then have the option to shoot from either left or right side. If you need to completely disable shooting from the left side and only allow the right side to shoot, then set up 3 x UI's 1: Full UI. 2: Left Only UI. 3: Right Only UI. Once you've achieved your mission in those new UI's, have a logic piece inside that UI that immediately skips you back to your normal full screen shooting UI. Use some kind of scoring points event that happens in the background to achieve this. In my head that all makes sense, but like I said earlier, a lot of this depends on the circumstances of your game as to whether or not certain parameters will work as you want them too. Give it a try and let us know how it pans out.
@Phill Mason Thanks for the reply and for the idea .Here is the gameplay .Enemy at the center and identical character on both side with character bullet.By using your suggestion 1 ) Full UI will make both characters to shoot simultaneously at the enemy from both sides. 2 and 3 Left only UI and right only UI (This is the problem hence i asked ) Consider as per your suggestion if left only Ui gets activated with shoot button ,Still the character on both sides shoot and is similar for right UI button too.... What i need is when left shoot button gets activated only the character on left side must shoot and right should remain idle and vice versa. Is this possible to achieve ?
Ok @TheGameAppStudio, so just to clarify, do you need, at any point both sides to be firing at the same time? Or is it only the left and then only the right? I'm still a little confused. Paint it clearly.
Haha....by default both sides to be firing at same time and at one point only the right side or the left side must be able to fire and not both and later it must be restored back to default.Hope this clears.
@Phill Mason one method which i found was when character on any one side hits the object that particular character would be made to disappear for few seconds activating the character on other side which works.But at the same time if users tap on the side once the character disappears then Game Over Screen must be popped else <s>if they tap correctly then the button on side which the character appears would shoot </s>
Got it, let me have a think about it for a bit. Thinking out loud here, but have you considered not using characters at all? I ask because, if your game relies on the character intervening, then yes, you need the character, but if on the other hand you could have 2 x objects (that look like characters) but object #1 is left object with his shooting method and object #2 is the right object, this would remove the "same character shooting at the same time issue" For example if it's a fixed turret or person that shoots, their only real purpose on the screen is for the visual, so a replacement object would work too. But if on the other hand you need character movement/control, then you will need to use a character. Alternatively, you could use one real character on the left and a dummy (lookalike character) on the right. Of course the left would be the only one you could control with character movement, but I don't know if you're using fixed or motion characters? Also depends on if you character need to be on screen to be killed, but there are also ways around this too with scoring and event observers etc.
@Phill Mason I guess we both got solution at the same time Here is what i did Solution : As per your suggestion 3 Ui for control i.e Left Only UI,Right Only UI and Left-Right UI for shooting. When character collides on an object one side of the character gets replaced to dummy character which enables the other side character shooting and vice versa. So when character collides with object the UI gets switched so i added a navigation button on left only and right only ui on respective side so when users tap they would navigate to game over screen or else would continue shooting Hence users could continue shooting from either side.
Hi @Phill Mason An update : though above method worked there is a slight problem.Like said i have added navigation button on left and right ui which navigates to Game Over screen and when user taps it takes to gameover scene but the problem is withing few seconds the game over screen changes back to game world scene and resumes game.Is there any fix or any better method ? P.S Anyone could respond to this
@AaroArts @Andy @brakewind723 @Benfont @OneHitGamer Any solution ? I have added a navigation button on an ui on left and shoot button on right.When user clicks/taps navigation button it would take to gameover scene during gameplay .Though it takes to gameover screen after few second the game resumes from last played location.How to show game over screen permanent i.e same as character defeat.
Hmm..Never mind found another solution Make another button in UI as jump and add an object as enemy bullet in action and spawn on jumping and when user triggers that button the character gets defeated
Hi, @TheGameAppStudio, sorry I missed your earlier message, I don't swing by here that often these days, but it seems like you're vocalising you're issues here and then sorting them out yourself, top man - best way to do it
Oh i see.No problem.Since you helped me giving some detailed suggestion and though nobody else replied i tagged you with an update i.e just to know that our previous solution (method) was just temporary .Hence raised a doubt and solved it myself Also i tagged others who helped me before I shared the solution because it would be helpful in future for everyone.Sharing is caring Oh that's the technical term I never knew