I was wondering if a buildbox pro could have a look at my game and the issue I am having. In the screenshot (image1) attached, you can see my character, a platform, and some reference lines. The character should be moving up across the horizontal white line and stopping where the white vertical lines connect with it. To put it simple, he should be running down the white lines by moving perfectly up and down in a straight line to the isometric view. Ive been playing with this for a while now and the movements are very strange and either go down to short or up to far. I have been using the gameframe to manipulate the angles and where he should be stopping, not sure if that is the right way. Could someone have a look at this for me and maybe fix it so that it works? Thanks
Hey there, thanks appreciate the help. Forgot to link the file, here it is... https://www.dropbox.com/s/knlvkmkazu5sukj/LineReferencesOnly.bbdoc?dl=0 Also I have set the Forced Movement in the world to 'off' just to see it moving along the white line
Hmmm...i can't seem to nail it. I personally haven't ever made an isometric game. Ill keep at it. Perhaps another boxer can chime in.
Yeah this is my first ever game with Buildbox and not used to it fully yet. I really do appreciate you helping me out trying to get it working. If there is anyone else who might know if it can be done please do jump in.
Just wondering if anyone ever managed to fix this issue or come up with a good solution to it. I really can't figure it out and hope this type of accurate movement can be done
Hey @DipDip, just had a look at your bbdoc and had a play around for a few minutes looking at all world settings, angles etc and didn't come up with anything, your character was still drifting upwards. Then I took a look at your character settings and noticed your "Stevo Up" linear velocity was set to X = 450 and Y = 10, I change the Y to 0 and he stopped drifting. Try that in your doc to see if it works, as I played around with so many other setting first, I may have changed something else. See if it helps solve your problem.
Reset the game frame to fill the entire area. Check "Direct Movement" in Character Gameplay Settings. Stevo DOWN -45 -25 and Stevo UP 45 25. Now you just have to add some invisible collisions to keep the character from moving in the same direction more than once. Just import some blank PNGs and use those as collisions. I really wish there was a way to just draw a path and set it up to allow a character to move only when you swipe left or right or whatever. It would make stuff like this a lot easier to do.
I'm guessing you're going to have enemies to jump over. I would just create a path that follows the white lines and have the enemies move towards your character that way. You could even create a few spawners that shoot out enemies at different rates.
@jmiller8031, that is perfect, exactly what I was looking for, your a star! Was it because I hadn't ticked the direct movement checkbox and my angles of movement was wrong? Maybe there should be a clearer description of what the game frame actually does. Either way I really appreciate the help you did. Thanks to everyone else for all the suggestions too. Really helpful forum here!
Direct movement is for controlling the character with player input. Forced movement is for keeping the character fixed in the scene while the background scrolls so the character stays in place and doesn’t leave the scene. I’m still trying to fully understand the game frame myself, but it looks like it’s basically the focus area that you can shrink to stitch multiple scenes together and make it seem seamless. Look at the built in Jump Trap template and change the game frame size and see what happens.
Oh ok I see. Quick question: if I was to set World > Forced Movement = 75 75 so that the level is scrolling through pre designed scenes, would that affect the way he moves up and down?
You have to check forced movement in the character options so he stays with the scene and doesn't run off and then play with the Time Warp setting in world options. The other way is to use time warp and add an advanced movement to the character and play with the velocities, but that can get tricky if you're tryin to keep the character at two specific placements like you are. But, if you want the level to actually scroll, time warp in world properties is what controls that. I don't think there's another way to do it, but I could be wrong. There's also a Forced Movement setting in World, but I don't know how that works. I'm new to Buildbox myself.
I'm wrong I think. You already had a world time warp setting and forced movement isn't checked and it's working fine. Now I'm confused too.
Haha yeah. But I was originally using using forced movement in the world settings before I set up the controls for the gameplay. I unchecked it so that I could see if my character was moving straight along the reference lines. Turning that back on makes my character move off screen.
hey i am having issues too with my new isometric game and i am also new to buildbox. could you please help me.