Is there any good menu tuts for bb2? I don't get my game over screen nor do i understand how to get my character to the next world... There aren't as many options as ive seen bb1 (ive only used both for about 2 days so im brand new) to get things to tie together... and no options for menu jump logic other than scale and whatnot...
As you are new to Buildbox then I would suggest going to their YouTube channel where they have some basic videos to get you started. But don't worry they said that they are working on making new ones. Apart from that I don't know any other sources of help you can get for Buildbox 2 as it is still in Beta and has not been fully released yet. Buildbox Youtube Channel - Hope I helped!
Thx for the reply, so far the menu vid is basic, I'll have to keep looking... Maybe a tut for bb1 menus is out there and can get me over