Menu Problems - First Build

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Redemption, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. Redemption

    Redemption Boxer

    Feb 22, 2019
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    for my first build I was following along with the basic tutorials on youtube to make a platformer (the 6 part series)
    I am still on the 'plus trial' version until I decide which level I need and Ive run into a problem.

    That tutorial is set up to load the game in first. Quick transitional screen then straight to the action with the menu only showing up once you have died. Nodes set up like this.


    What I would like is for the menu to load in before the game starts but it seems like no matter how I arrange it, it just wont work.....what am I missing here?
  2. Redemption

    Redemption Boxer

    Feb 22, 2019
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    This problem has been sort of solved. Graphical glitch with preview editor sprouts up when there is a UI in front of the (world node) but not when it is behind the (world note) No idea why.

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