Menu Jump Issues - Need Your Help

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by dotcasualgames, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. dotcasualgames

    dotcasualgames Boxer

    Aug 29, 2018
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    Hello Guys,

    Many thanks in advance!

    I am a little lost. So basically I have used the menu jump as a teleport function in my endless runner game. I have two worlds. The player is in the "main world" and once it comes to certain scenes there is a "teleport function" to a bonus world where the player can collect more points. The teleport backwards and forwards works but the challenges is that once the player has used a teleport in a scene he can't use it again. What happens here is that if you enter a "used" portal the player is teleported to the start of the first scene. The player also looses all the points collected. I would basically want the portal to be active at all times even if the player has used it before.

    Many thanks in advance!
  2. dotcasualgames

    dotcasualgames Boxer

    Aug 29, 2018
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    Never mind I figured it out!

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