About time you finished this game. hahaha All the best with it , it looks great. Much better than when i tested it for ya. Hope it does well for ya.
Haha. Yea it is. Just been changing the design to many times And I sat on it for awhile deciding whether to go a publisher or not. And thanks for your help with it as well, really appreciate it
Congrats on this great game mate! I love it! How refreshing to see a new gameplay! Love the Arcade Puzzle Twist! Best of luck and success with this gem!
Awesome game.Best of luck buddy.Completed 50 levels in level mode.Will be waiting for next update.And path race is awesome. A must try game with new game play and it will help you boost memory.
Now On GooglePlay.- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adrogdesigns.memorypath Just had to optimise a few things before releasing on android, but hopefully all is fine.
I have the high score on Android... 6000+ I was at 700 when I discovered "save me" for 50 coins. Assumed it was a one time thing, but I kept getting saved until I ran out of coins. Is this intentional? Cool game. The controls usually works, but sometimes I jump only half way, and die in the next jump no matter which way I jump. Edit: just discovered that the path race score doesn't start at zero.
Thanks, Yea working on fixing the controls, think I have it sorted now, and the save me is intentional, so users can spend coins and get high scores. And have also fixed the score not starting at zero. Couple of little things to fix then will release an update. Thanks for your feedback.