So, I'm working on a platformer game where the character moves around and shoots bullets to either A) Destroy certain enemy to pass a level or B) shoot a bullet into a hole to complete the level(think of it like a golf game basically). Any thoughts on how I could do this? My only thoughts for doing this for A) is to have a coin attached to the enemy, and when the enemy dies he drops the coin, and when you collect X number of coins, you complete the level. The only problem with this is the character has to shoot the enemy first and then collect the coin.. which changes the core gameplay for the game, I would like to have it set where the character wouldn't need to collect the coin at all. If you guys have any thoughts on how I could pull either A) or B) off I would really appreciate it.
Make the coin transparent and reaaaaaally big. Bigger as an iPad screen. Scale it in Buildbox you don't have to put a big image into BB. It can be as small as 4x4 pixels. 1. import the image as an action and set it up as a coin 2. make it huuuuge and adjust the collision shape to the new scale 3. put it on your gamefield 4. copy it (cmd+c on a Mac or ctrl+c on PC) 5. delete the action 6. go to your enemy and open the death animation 7. click on the surface where you place objects (anywhere) 8. paste the coin (cmd+v on a Mac or ctrl+v on PC) 9. go back to your coin and set opacity to zero This should work as far as I know. Now when your enemy dies it will release the transparent coin and your character will collect it automatically.