Hi! What can I do to make my game faster? It works okay on the PC but when I started that on my phone it was sooo slow, I try to reduce everything, shadows, fog, atlases, sounds and it is still laging, there no even many objects... thanksā„
Do we have to guess what type of phone and operating system is it? Can you post some screenshots and videos of your BBdoc. Otherwise, send all that info to support and email them your bbdoc so they can advise
Oh, thanks, but do the support resolve such problems? I think it don't matter what phone it is, it lags everywhere, I checked 10+ phones
So you've just wasted another post. For a start - we still don't know if this is Android or iOS, what version of the sdk/Xcode and other key information. Or it could be you are using large fbx/obj files and your game is not optimised by making it load up way too much too soon