Congratulations to Florian for once again getting signed by Ketchapp. Great game. Is this game made with a special build @Andy @ZackGriset ? I ask specifically because it has several gravity modes which allow to jump when you are at the roof. It recognizes it as the ground. This wasn’t possible until now. Or is it done with advanced moves and menu jumps? I wanted to fo this for so long. Any information related to this is appreciated.
I’d like to know this too. How is the Jump from Ground reset in the Gravity mode? The closest I’ve got in the past is by using several actions to stop jumps. Thanks.
It seems like when player reaches the arrows area that flips gravity...there's an ACTION there with GAMEPLAY settings changed. Which would allow you to flip gravity and get the jump from the ceiling affect. If that's what you guys are talking about.
Yes. But in order to jump you need to detect ground. This is NOT possible in Buildbox. Buildbox only detects ground when it’s at the bottom.
Yeh, exactly what @Christoph said. BuildBox can’t detect a ground that’s not at the bottom of the character (or top of an Object). Colliding with the bottom of an Object (top of the Character), even if rotated, wouldn’t reset the “Jump from Ground”, where it seems to in Just Jump. Would love to know this has been added. I’d be able to make Ninja Dive a lot smoother if it was.
I confirmed with Nik my initial thoughts on this and Florian is not using any special version of BB for this release. Myself, I don't really know what is happening there so I can't really comment on how it is done.
I think he may be using menu jumps to switch between ui worlds with opposing advance move operations (with timeout) for the jump direction. You can tell there is a slight difference in jump attributes when gravity switches. Also combining this with maybe having two action buttons that reverse gravity on each ui world should sell this effect. Playing with air drag, player movement x and y, timeout and gravity, you can make your advance move jumps look pretty close to the real thing