I am a new Buildbox user, and currently just learning Buildbox. I started to make a simple video game, just as "Making a simple video game with buildbox", by Zack Griset. I followed all the instructions as shown in the tutorial, however some setting behave weird. The jump force of the actor is set to 5, and the gravity is set to -9.8. If i copy these setting into my game, the actor jumps very, very high, als the actor is not returning to ground. I have to set the gravity to -700 for "normal" returning bahaviour of the actor. If i do this, the game will not function correctly on the phone. Can please tell me someone what i do wrong, or if there is another setting what needs to b defined. Thank you for your reply
To be honest it could be a number of things. Firstly, if you added a new character, I would check the collision shape. Is it too big? If so, adjust the shape to fit the character/shape you desire. You also need to add collision to the platforms (as an example) or other objects that your character collides with. If you take a look at the progression template it will give you an idea of how a running jump should look, or check out the other templates that suit what your looking for. Then right click on that character to export the asset, then drag it into your new game so you can use those settings